Whose GSP fought that is any more dangerous than Shields? Fitch who he destroyed for 5 straight rounds? BJ [no mas] Penn, who challenged GSP's heart only to quit between rounds

. Shields may or may not be the most dangerous guy GSP's ever faced, but I do know one thing....all he ever did over a 6 year period was win every fight he had
You really should learn how to read. Or was my stating Koschek as being a better striker
before the GSP fight [based on GSP's own words], but acknowledging GSP as clearly a better striker
now not clear enough for you?
But does any of this before/after arguement really matter? My point in bring up Koschek in the first place was that GSP looked fantastic in taking apart Koschek with his striking game whereas he looked terrible when striking with Shields, a clearly inferior striker to Koschek. And I don't think you have to be a brain surgeon to figure out GSP's performance against Shields had nothing to do with his, or his opponent's striking ability, and everything to do with the fact he couldn't see out of his left eye.....something which certain individuals around here seem incapable of figuring out.