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People can ^^^^ themselves. If you want sports entertainment go to wrestling. Fighters are there to win first, entertain second. Nothing Silva or Leites did tonight was ^^^^^ like.

Sadly this sport is turning into a fad more and more every day.

^^^^ Dana White too. He acts like a ^^^^^ when Silva doesn't destroy an opponent, yet he constantly mentions Silva being the pound for pound best. What a joke.

People want to see Maia vs Silva. Ha. That fight would be a mirror image of what tonight's M.E. was.

I really wish they could get MMA regulated in Toronto. Chanting GSP in two fights tonight? Really Quebec? Really?

puhlease...coming from someone who admittedly knows nothing about fighting or training. I don't need to watch some bull crap WWE for entertainment. Guess what, MMA is entertainment! If it wasn't why do they bother with all the prefight hype?

Like I said, no one is asking for these guys to clown around and jump off the top of the octogon with a flying elbow. But they are being paid to FIGHT, not dance around and punch people in the leg.

Yes MMA has become a big "fad" because people like you who have never trained a day in their lives feel the need to tell people who trained for 10 years that their opinion is ^^^^ and they should watch WWE. Not to mention your obvious contradiction of yourself. You just referred to MMA as a "sport" and I totally agree with you, it is a sport. And what are sports for? Can you say ENTERTAINMENT much?
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Ha. You train. I'm scared. "shakes in e-boots"

Did you read this part of my post?: Fighters are there to win first, entertain second.

This sport is a fad because some fans can't respect a technical fight. Not every fight can end by knock out. Even if the fight was a little lame, I still admire Silva and Leites' strategy.
The PPV cards are far from weak. Some times fighter are just bad match ups. Stylistically i think it was a good match up to test Sylva but once it was in the cage it turned out to be a horrible match up. Clearly Letites was desperate to get to the ground and Anderson didn't want any part of it. They both had one gameplan Anderson was to keep the fight standing and Leites was to go to the ground. I respect both fighters for not getting cocky and going away from their gameplan. And calling Thales a sissy and sorts if being a real ******* because he just went 5 rounds with the man and nonetheless even if it was boring still took some pretty big shots.
The PPV cards are far from weak. Some times fighter are just bad match ups. Stylistically i think it was a good match up to test Sylva but once it was in the cage it turned out to be a horrible match up. Clearly Letites was desperate to get to the ground and Anderson didn't want any part of it. They both had one gameplan Anderson was to keep the fight standing and Leites was to go to the ground. I respect both fighters for not getting cocky and going away from their gameplan. And calling Thales a sissy and sorts if being a real ******* because he just went 5 rounds with the man and nonetheless even if it was boring still took some pretty big shots.

Is you calling me a *******? I have never ever seen someone so scared of another man in my life, that kid should stick to wrastling where he cant get hit in the face, I didnt call him a sissy, I called him a BIACHASSSSS!!!!!!:banghead
Is you calling me a *******? I have never ever seen someone so scared of another man in my life, that kid should stick to wrastling where he cant get hit in the face, I didnt call him a sissy, I called him a BIACHASSSSS!!!!!!:banghead

Well calling him a ^^^^^ is pretty much calling him a sissy. He walked into the cage and fought the Champ. He deserves everyone's respect. And the PPV cards might turn out to be weak but the everyone of them has multiple exciting fighters. If the fight doesn't turn out exciting then it's not the fighters fault but more Joe Silva's. This fight should have been exciting and it turned out it wasnt because both had strict gameplans.
Well calling him a ^^^^^ is pretty much calling him a sissy. He walked into the cage and fought the Champ. He deserves everyone's respect. And the PPV cards might turn out to be weak but the everyone of them has multiple exciting fighters. If the fight doesn't turn out exciting then it's not the fighters fault but more Joe Silva's. This fight should have been exciting and it turned out it wasnt because both had strict gameplans.

You call balling up in fetal position everytime you get striked a gameplan?:confused:
There are so many fans that think this sport is all about 2 Pieces of meat pounding on eachother until 1 falls.

I respect the hell out of these fighters and what they go through,but i agree that Silva was kinda passive in this fight but he had his reasons,no reason to criticize him for having 1 bad fight,besides...count how many times Leites lay down when Anderson Silva pushed him with punches so you can´t blame Silva really...he tried.The first 2 rounds were VERY slow though.
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So basically all these "former" Champs/Fighters age and Fedor Dosen't.

Just to give you an idea: Back when Kevin Randleman and Mark Coleman held the UFC HW Championship, Fedor hadn't even had his first MMA Fight.

Tim Sylvia fought Randy Couture, Brandon Vera and Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira in 2007 before his fight with Fedor. In 2007 Fedor fought Matt Lindland (Non-HW) and Hong Man Choi (1 -0 record at the time).

Arlovski and Fedor fought on the same card before their fight: Afflicition Banned. Fedor beat Tim Sylvia in 36 seconds. Arlovski had a 3 round fight with Ben Rothwell, winning in the 3rd bt (T)KO. Yet Arlovski, not Fedor, had ANOTHER fight after that against Roy Nelson - Winning in the 2nd Rnd. by (T)KO before stepping in with Fedor.

So it has nothing to do with age per say, because Arlovski, Sylvia and Fedor are relatively around the same age. Kevin is a little older and Coleman is just old. :D But that's not the point. You can see that Fedor didn't fight any of these guys when they were on top. The only HW fighters he's fought that were on top at the time of their fights was Cro Cop and Big Nog x3. And that was in Japan, in PRIDE, in 2003 - 2004 for Big Nog and 2005 for Cro Cop.
If Fedor really wanted to be known as the best pound for pound in the world and silence everyone, he would negotiate with the UFC to fight.
Ha. You train. I'm scared. "shakes in e-boots"

Did you read this part of my post?: Fighters are there to win first, entertain second.

This sport is a fad because some fans can't respect a technical fight. Not every fight can end by knock out. Even if the fight was a little lame, I still admire Silva and Leites' strategy.

lol my post wasn't to try to one up on you. It was to let you know that your weak attempts to discredit me as a fair weather fan or someone who knows nothing about fighting couldnt be further from the truth.

You like to see the pound for pound best fighter in the world act just as much of a ^^^^^ as leites, i get it. that's great...however I have more respect for Silva than what you do I guess. He fought like a ^^^^^ not a champ.

And I'll say it again. MMA has turned into a fad because of people like YOU who think they know about the sport from their living room couches. :lol hilarious.
Go watch the Post fight press conference: even Dana White said he was disappointed with not only the main event and Thales Leites.. but that he was also disappointed with Anderson Silva.

Yeah man, like i said in my first post about it....Silva has SO MUCH in his skill set that it is a complete travesty to see him stoop down to Leites' level just because he doesnt want to drop into his guard. Silva doesnt have to drop into Leites' guard, he could have punished the living crap out of him at will, yet (like I said before again) he decides to spend time punching leites' leg and trying to do a behind the leg heel tap wtf....

Im conviced if Silva took the fight to Leites for ONE ROUND, Leites would have been put to sleep.
:rolleyes: The main event was exactly what I expected. ^^^^ all this Silva "should have been trying to knock him out" nonsense. Steping foward is not his style. Styles make fights, Dana White and Joe Silva of all people should know this. For what it was, tonight's main event was decent.
I'm not a fighter, and I never will be...who knows what is going through these guys heads in the cage. Silva didn't feel confident enough to roll with Leites. Period.

The bull^^^^ chants were garbage. Go back to watching pro wrestiling if you want to do stupid ^^^^ like that.

Having just gotten back from Montreal, and UFC 97, I can tell you there were many decents fights last night and a few really good ones, but you're on something if you think the main event was decent. It was terrible and Leites strategy/performance [or whatever else you want to call that disaster] pretty well guaranteed he'll never get another title shot in the UFC....and he'll be lucky if he isn't handed his walking papers after that mess. As a matter of fact the only performance worse than that was David "the turtle" Loiseau's in a prelim vs Ed Hermann. It was his first UFC fight in 2 1/2 years [not to mention his last ever in the UFC] and he was the only fighter on the night who actually displayed less desire to win his match than Leites.

As for the displeasure and chants of the fans, here's a news flash for you ....if people who paid upward's of $500 want to boo and voice their displeasure that is their right, and it is quite frankly none of your business. Next time you want to open your mouth and tell the rest of us what we should or shouldn't be doing at a live event why don't you go out and pay that kind of money, and watch a piece of crap title match like I just did. I guarantee you'll be singing a different tune. :rolleyes:
Exactly, Leittes should be fined atleast 3/4 of his purse for being so scared....Hek, I'd fire his ass....