That's what I'm thinking.. that's the only way I see Jardine winning: devastating leg kicks. But with Griffin, Rampage says he didn't feel right with the long lay off (due to TUF). How true that is, who knows. But starting with the Wand fight he switched up camps, started dieting and taking vitamins, eating right etc. and he completely destroyed a guy who beat him twice in PRIDE. And that victory was more sweet because the first 2 fights were competetive. Rampage wasn't just mauled. Wand got MAULED.
I didn't think Jardine would beat either Chuck or Forrest.. and he did. And I thought Jardine WOULD beat Houston Alexander. And he didn't. That dude is iffy in fights, not consistent. One minute he looks good.. the next he looks like some bum from off the street.
Even with the superb leg kicks Jardine has.. I don't see his jaw standing up to Rampage. Forrest isn't a KO puncher. And Chuck is a counter-puncher. Rampage has KO power.. and he's alos aggressive and attacks more than just counters. Jardine can't handle that. Look at the Wand/Houston fights. Jardine is good with the fight tempo is slow imo. When things get hectic.. he tries to throw down and unfortunately his jaw can't hang.