Alex you should start a side business to repaint sideshow's statues, it requires zero investment and just pure profit for you guys

I would pay $200 + shipping to have this repainted.
In regards to this statue, all hopes dashed. There is no excuse. It's pure laziness and indifference on sideshow's part to have it come out looking like this. I can think of a thousand ways to improve the paint so it looks on par with the prototype photos.
The sad part is it's one of the simplest statues to produce for sideshow with no face, not many complex details and just a few colors on it.
The fact they can screw this up so badly and not give a flying **** just shows how much (or little) they think of their loyal customers, must think all of us are sheeps who will just put down $400 for any crap they send to us.
We need to make a stand here and send this crap back to sideshow and demand a full refund, and dont take no for an answer. I almost feel sorry for the cs that will get my call this friday.