Ultron PF

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Wow Thats High I dont charge nearly that much for any project unless were talking a lifesize bust I dont even charge that much for one of those. If anyone wants there Ultron repainted I charge between 175.00-200.00

Pm me if your interested

Your prices seem unusually cheap when compared to other painters are charging.
It'd be a good idea to provide a list of your credentials, experiences and samples of your previous works if you expect collectors to be confident enough to send you their statues for repaint.
Your prices seem unusually cheap when compared to other painters are charging.
It'd be a good idea to provide a list of your credentials, experiences and samples of your previous works if you expect collectors to be confident enough to send you their statues for repaint.

I enjoy painting so I dont charge as much as some other painters prices vary
from project to project. Here are some samples of my paint work Im very qualified










Some say it looks great with the lights on that may be true but how is going to realistically displayed this pf with the lights on all the time?? You should not have to leave a light on in order to be satisfied with a 300+ mediocre Collectible. SSC = increase prices: decrease product quality

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I dont understand why dave closed that thread down, it was a very legit thread asking sideshow what is going on with their QC and get someone over there to notice.

Not a good day...

I wonder the same thing. What bothers me was when I called SSC couple hours later, they other rep said it was the first she heard of any problems. It's complete bull. I always wonder if this site is paid by SSC to operate? Maybe that's why Dave shut it down...
The thread was shut down due it going from something legit to something that was headed into another trolling situation.
People keep saying "get it customized" as if great painters are so easy to find and cheap to hire. They're not. Fans have a right to voice their displeasure about Sideshow not meeting a very reasonable expectation of a quality paint job worth the retail price.
I enjoy painting so I dont charge as much as some other painters prices vary
from project to project. Here are some samples of my paint work Im very qualified

Amazing work!! :clap:clap I'll definitely give you a call if I need a repaint! :duff
I enjoy painting so I dont charge as much as some other painters prices vary
from project to project. Here are some samples of my paint work Im very qualified

Some damn fine work there painter x. I'll keep you in mind for any future projects. :wave

If you don't mind me asking what state do you live in?