Me, TheJosh, and Dinolast play every now and then so maybe one night we can knock some trophies out.
Sounds good to me. I'm down for some more.

Me, TheJosh, and Dinolast play every now and then so maybe one night we can knock some trophies out.
I wish there was a way to play the game as another character in single player mode. I would love to go through it all as Chloe instead of Drake.
I've been playing multi player all day. My player of choice is Chloe. But sometimes I am her, and sometimes I am stuck being sully or Elena, etc. Can anyone tell me why this is?
My profile is already set to Chloe. and every time I go back to look, it's still her. I just played a game where there were two of us, and I was drake and the other person was Elena. But I went back to make sure I had Chloe chosen, and she was there.
GOTY Edition currently on sale at Amazon for $29.99 with free super saver shipping.
It's a price drop across the board (Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc). This indicates it will be a Greatest Hits title soon