Super Freak
or Chris Pratt 

Oh Chris Pratt so bombad... messa think yousa should RECONSIDER... We don't need Chris in everythingOtherwise he'll be the new Ryan Reynolds.
He wouldn't have been right just because he would just play StarLord again. Fillion is the perfect guy, it's just that he's not a big star nor is he young enough anymore.. Unfortunately
I don't think the character is young either, he's maybe mid-late 30's.
I think Chris Pratt turned down the movie role already
Chris Pratt Reportedly Passes on Uncharted Movie - IGN
I never pictured him as a younger kid anyways. Mid-thirties seems appropriate.
I preferred Drake's look in the previous games.
I don't get all the love for Fillon, I've seen him in Castle and he is meh at best, I'd rather Bradley Cooper or Starlord, least they can act the ejit yet be actiony... Plus they are the right age...
I don't get all the love for Fillon, I've seen him in Castle and he is meh at best, I'd rather Bradley Cooper or Starlord, least they can act the ejit yet be actiony... Plus they are the right age.
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Absolutely agree, I always figured he was liked so much because he hasn't had any mainstream success. Bradley Cooper would be absolutely perfect, it's pretty crazy how much he looks and sounds like Drake.