Thank you for the update Jen. I guess its back to sit and wait to hear.
Yeah, it is. I just have no trust that I will get my stuff back.
Well, in all fairness my name isn't either. He's had a second SS 1:6th Indy and Toy Biz Gimli for at least 2-3 years now.
Should folks be making Josh out to be the worst person ever? No, I think thats going a bit far. Do I think people might be trying to sugar coat it a bit still and act like its nothing at all? yeah, I do. Do I think Josh has made some thing up as far as issues and is a bit of a theif? Yeah, I do and that sucks when I considered Josh a friend. Thats the thing that stings the most of it all for me.
Hi Matt!![]()
Explain the difference to an uneducated person like myself.
I said a much different scale, but other than that, i dont see much of a difference. I'm sure Bernie was very nice to his customers while he was taking their money too.
As I said, there is nothing criminal in what he did.
Oh trust me he will have even an answer to that I am sure
The know it all of know it alls
Your post doesn't add anything to this thread. Let's not get into another flame fest. This situation is bad enough as is. No need to fight amongst board members. Besides, you don't have any business with Josh so you shouldn't really be posting in this thread, however infuriating it may be.![]()
I don't think anyone is trying to sugar coat anything anymore. I think everyone is beyond upset at this point but just choose to go about expressing themselves in a different way.
Again, you (toyadventurer) show me one comparable case where the FBI cared enough to spend their resources on investigation and successful prosecution and I'll eat my hat.
Its definitely criminal. The amount he took would actually be a felony. I had a guy swindle me out of $500 on ebay and he got slapped with the crime and I got my money back.
Yeah, it would be interesting to find out what would happen. I just brought it up because of its similarities to an experience I had. I was purely speaking for those that haven't and might not (if it's not with Carl) ever recieve anything. There is definitely nothing criminal if someone's stuff is with Carl and they get it back. I just thought they'd like some hope that their stuff might not be lost if they come together in numbers. That's the only reason it worked for me is because they found out I wasn't the only one.
I was thinking Carl did not live in Fla, but in an adjoining state... part of the reason it took a bit for him to get the items in the first place.
EDIT checked an earlier post, he's in Atlanta.