Greatest Person Ever
I met up with Wofford29 one time to buy his Hot Toys Joker (at a great price I might add)
Did you touch the beard?

I met up with Wofford29 one time to buy his Hot Toys Joker (at a great price I might add)
I get what you are saying. I suppose someone could start up a social group and have it be invite only (only those people who want to take legal action or have stuff or money owed to them) could join. I would run it by Darklord Dave first though before one was started...just to make sure he is ok with that.
btw - Darth Loki sends his regards.
No one got more ____ed over by Josh Church than Josh Church. Which excuses none of his actions, but it does go a long way toward explaining why those who were his friends stuck up for him for as long as they did.
Thanks. That point has not been covered. The more we know what we already know, the more we'll know it.
Josh owe you money too?
I would suggest a facebook group or some other area - such an action is outside the scope of this forum and this is no place for it.
I'm sorry people have been ripped off - over the years I've lost literally thousands of dollars for undelivered one of a kind collectibles - however I understand that it's the nature of these types of things - you pays your money and yous takes your chances.
However this thread is for any updates from Josh, Carl or those who actually have a stake in the matter. Please, anyone without a item with Josh - please stay out.
Also it's not for complaining and insulting other members - any such posts will be deleted.