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No - obviously we are not sweeping it under the rug or I would be deleting any posts that are not directly related to us getting our stuff from CARL not Josh.

People can talk about taking legal action here - I was only SUGGESTING that if someone wanted to have it all in one place - that starting a social group was AN OPTION - so all the information could be EASIER to find.

And I really don't know what the hell your beef is kl241. You want a medal because from the get-go you wanted to throw Josh to wolves? Good for you. Do you REALLY think that if we all had the same attitude as you that YOU would have ever gotten your refund? I really, really doubt that would have EVER happened. So what's your problem? Aside from a handful who are still friendly with him - I see quite a few people that wanted to give someone the benefit of the doubt and sadly realized that Josh's word didn't mean a hole hell of a lot. So we misplaced our trust in someone. Happens to the best of us.....I don't see why you have to keep saying this stuff over and over and over. You are becoming a broken record - no different than the broken record of endless promises we kept hearing from Josh.

No you keep trying to move it off the board to a private forum. Maulfan's argument was that banning him would close the lines of communication therefore the lines of communication should remain visible on a public forum so that everyone can see the consequences of his actions if there is to be civil action taken against him. I've tried for over 2 years to get updates and get a refund and was met with radio silence and the bullying posts by his cronies who defended him. Read my sig. He has made empty promises. He promised to give refunds and renigged on his word. I am just trying to bring this crook to justice. I'm no DA. I didn't rip anybody off and take people's money for my own selfish and greedy indulgences then have the gall to flaunt what I bought with other people's money on the board.

btw - Darth Loki sends his regards.
kl241, you have absolutely no tact. You're simply out for revenge and taking your anger out at the Jen won't solve your issues. Do us all a favor and abstain from posting in this thread.
kl241, you have absolutely no tact. You're simply out for revenge and taking your anger out at the Jen won't solve your issues. Do us all a favor and abstain from posting in this thread.

Do you have business with Josh? No? Then do us all a favor and abstain from posting in this thread.
There is no need to make personal attacks towards Jen or anyone else. All that was suggested was that someone make a social group so people could discuss what plan of action they wanted to take and do it without having to deal with people who have no say so in the matter.
No you keep trying to move it off the board to a private forum. Maulfan's argument was that banning him would close the lines of communication therefore the lines of communication should remain visible on a public forum so that everyone can see the consequences of his actions if there is to be civil action taken against him. I've tried for over 2 years to get updates and get a refund and was met with radio silence and the bullying posts by his cronies who defended him. Read my sig. He has made empty promises. He promised to give refunds and renigged on his word. I am just trying to bring this crook to justice. I'm no DA. I didn't rip anybody off and take people's money for my own selfish and greedy indulgences then have the gall to flaunt what I bought with other people's money on the board.

btw - Darth Loki sends his regards.

You have every right to be angry. Yes - Josh promised refunds and then didn't follow through. He made a LOT of promises and didn't follow through. If anyone want to take legal action than by all means go for it. No one here is saying don't do that - or to keep it quiet. I was only offering a suggestion for someone who thought it might be a good idea to have this all in one place. If you guys want to keep it in this thread then DO THAT. It doesn't matter either way to me.

This board is not responsible for any of this - so whatever actions anyone wants to take will have to be something they do themselves. But we are not sweeping this under the rug. It's out here in the open...all your complaints and misguided anger. I mean, because I defended Josh in the beginning - did I somehow prevent you from getting your refund? No, I did not. This whole mess is Josh's doing - not mine or any other mods. So if you are angry - please direct it toward the person responsible for this big mess.

And Dave hasn't banned Josh because he did want to keep communication open - because he felt that it would be crucial to finding any solution to this problem....that is if Josh was sincere in wanting to do right thing. Just because he hasn't been banned yet doesn't mean that we are trying to pretend that nothing has happened.

And am I supposed to get upset about the Chris (Loki) jab? I mean really...that was years ago. I don't hold grudges and have moved on. :lol You did give me a good laugh though - something I needed in this thread - so thanks and be sure to give my regards back to Chris. :)
There is no need to make personal attacks towards Jen or anyone else. All that was suggested was that someone make a social group so people could discuss what plan of action they wanted to take and do it without having to deal with people who have no say so in the matter.

This is EXACTLY what I was suggesting. Nothing more - there were no hidden motives to get this off the main board so it could all be kept on the down low.
are people really resorting to attacking members on this board who are now trying to help us by fixing someone else's mistake? is that we've become? what is this new savagery?
Fact is people who try to run businesses with the best of intentions but little discipline go out of business all the time taking people's money with them. It is not looked at as a scam by the government. The worst any action you guys could bring against him would be to force him to file bankruptcy at which point you wouldn't get your money back anyway and your motives are exposed as merely revenge, rather this noble idea of justice and "teaching him life lessons".

As I said, there is nothing criminal in what he did. I see people like him everyday in the business I work in (bankruptcy). It wasn't very ethical what he did. He was a coward in the end by running away and letting someone else do his work for him. But here it is. I guess we could say that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

"Nothing criminal..." Really? You're comparing DA to an entrepreneur who fails at starting up a businesses? I have no background in bankruptcy (fortunately) or even much at business, but I think there is a distinct difference between what DA did and what a new business that fails does.

New businesses take loans to get their business started. Sure, they may have investors that eventually share in the success if the business succeeds. Those funds are put towards resources in getting the company started: employees, tools, materials, real estate/rent, etc. They don't take that money and spend it on themselves (i.e. video games, michael myer's masks, vacations).

Actually, one "business" man did that, and Bernie Madoff will now be rotting in prison for stealing millions of dollars from people. Sure, a much larger scale, but both of these individuals still took other people's money, spent it on themselves, and delivered nothing in return.

I don't see how you can say there was no criminal act committed here. Did Josh use the thousands of dollars to buy new paint and materials to get the job done? I highly doubt it.
"Nothing criminal..." Really? You're comparing DA to an entrepreneur who fails at starting up a businesses? I have no background in bankruptcy (fortunately) or even much at business, but I think there is a distinct difference between what DA did and what a new business that fails does.

What can I say but "educate yourself then before you comment"?

And comparing Josh to Bernie Madoff is a big laugh and you lose all credibility on this issue. :wave
Explain the difference to an uneducated person like myself.

I said a much different scale, but other than that, i dont see much of a difference. I'm sure Bernie was very nice to his customers while he was taking their money too.
Again I will ask those people who don't have business with Josh or Carl to refrain from posting here. There's already a big enough fire going - don't need to be adding more to it.


I heard back from Carl. He said he will have a big bunch of shipping quotes ready for folks after this weekend. I'm not quite sure how this is going to work out - if he's going to PM people directly or if I will get a list and PM people myself...but many of you should start receiving quotes soon.


I don't see your name on the list. :dunno

He's not on the list because he is one of the few who opted for a refund when Josh gave people that option.

Carl obviously is not going to be giving people refunds for Josh, so he has no items coming from Carl.

I suppose we could limit this thread to just people getting stuff back from Carl - but then I would hate for anyone to think that was another attempt on my part to sweep this under the rug.
I suppose we could limit this thread to just people getting stuff back from Carl - but then I would hate for anyone to think that was another attempt on my part to sweep this under the rug.

Ahhh, but then that would shut those of us in Josh's imaginary second wave out ... :monkey2 :monkey2

:lol :peace Hey Jen! :hi5:
Thats an incredible shame, there are many custom guys on this forum that are so talented and are 100% genuine.

Yeah, it is. I just have no trust that I will get my stuff back.

I don't see your name on the list. :dunno

Well, in all fairness my name isn't either. He's had a second SS 1:6th Indy and Toy Biz Gimli for at least 2-3 years now.

Should folks be making Josh out to be the worst person ever? No, I think thats going a bit far. Do I think people might be trying to sugar coat it a bit still and act like its nothing at all? yeah, I do. Do I think Josh has made some thing up as far as issues and is a bit of a theif? Yeah, I do and that sucks when I considered Josh a friend. Thats the thing that stings the most of it all for me.