Venom Life Sized Bust #2

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I guess I just don't get it. If another Hulk premium format was released I'd be happier than a pig in ____ at the chance to grab another Hulk pf. Or another Darkness 1:1 was released I would be all over it. I don't understand the mentality that you are being slighted or that your current piece is somehow diminished because another one in the same scale/format is being done. The monetary value may be affected but if you only collect for the financial investment I really can't care about your hurt feelings. That argument falls completely flat for me.


I agree with everything said. :goodpost:
More is better. I'm more surprised another venom so soon it feels like.

The previous 1:1 was back in 2006 so it HAS been five years in terms of that...there has just been a lot of Venom products lately but then as Iron Man fans Josh we're both fairly used that.
The fakes had very little to do with the drop in price, in fact it should make it go up considerably. The Hulk vs. Spider-Man diorama was copied and faked even more than the IM Comiquette and it still retains it's value no problem. There have been a few SSC pieces from that timeframe that found their way into frauds which haven't effected the original.

The same will happen with Doom, Hulk PF once another piece in released in that same formatting. Venom 1:1 was/is a grail to many and many will just get the new one to have one and not really worry about the original.

I see your point, but still can't agree. :lol The Exclusive versions of the Hulk vs. Spidey Dios are the ones that bring in the big money and I don't remember seeing any Hulk vs. Spidey Dio Exs that were being frauded. The regular editions I know were, but I don't remember seeing any that had a light-up feature. (And if they do exist, there aren't many.) The light-up feature is too difficult to create, so I wouldn't expect frauds to affect its market value because they just aren't there. The frauds of the IM comiquette, on the other hand, were much closer to mimicking the real thing, which is why many more people were concerned/fooled with this one.

As for the Hulk PF, that's another piece that I don't see being affected by its successor. For one thing, I don't see SS releasing another Kirby version. And despite the release of the new Hulk comiquette, very little has changed for those in the market for the Hulk PF. Ebay prices are still holding strong and rising. Granted, the Hulk comiquette is indeed a comiquette and not a PF, but still, the PF market wasn't phased in the slightest. When another Hulk PF hits the books, I'm sure a similar trend will follow. The desirability of the original Kirby-inspired Hulk PF will always be there.
The previous 1:1 was back in 2006 so it HAS been five years in terms of that...there has just been a lot of Venom products lately but then as Iron Man fans Josh we're both fairly used that.

Was it really? Damn! Time goes fast. :lol ineed! Being a fan of iron man you just get used to all the new stuff. Which is fine of course. :rock
While others have the issue of an investment in the back of their minds.

Bluntly speaking, then they are fools. Seriously, if you are in this hobby seeking financial investments then you are blind to history and will die a poor man :lol
I definitely don't collect to try and retire off of the pieces I buy. I enjoy the pieces I buy and try to display them all. That being said, when I spend $300-$500+ on a piece with a limited ES, I don't expect it to be diluted. However, that was done with comics and cards when I collected those, I'm just hoping this company doesn't sell out and let quality/reputation/ethics slide so much that they go the way of 90's comics and cards.

Just so many things I'm having a problem with this once infalable company recently.
If a completely different representation, bring it on, but it looks like may be very similar, based on the limited preview.

:confused: It looks nothing like the other 1/1. Venom is basically a mouth with 2 white eyes on a black head. The mouth is his most "defining" feature, and we've already seen it in the preview, and it looks NOTHING like the previous 1/1's "Larson" mouth.

I'm more surprised another venom so soon it feels like.

:confused: The last 1/1 came out around the time of the dinosaurs! :lol Unless you mean another Venom piece in general, in which case, I agree, but we can level that complaint at MANY of sideshows properties...

Well it's simple really. Some people collect to collect. While others have the issue of an investment in the back of their minds. I'd be pissed if I got the 1:1 for so much more than retail but it wouldn't stop me from getting this if I were a Venom fan. Personally if I can turn a profit if I need to sell something then great but realistically I just get what I like. I can't wait for the next Iron Man comiquette even if it has the exact same pose as any of the other two before it.

:exactly: And this why I only buy what I like, one needs to really take some financial classes if this is their form of "investing"... :monkey3
Browsing from my phone, don't have Mike's skill of a 13 multi reply single post.

Plus this guys an idiot. Piss all over a few valid opinions while mayb having been in the hobby for a few weeks, probably bred from the latest FB spook event.


"Stay classy, San Diego." :slap

And, really, I have little time for sparring with idiots, so...

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Can't put down a hobby that has made me this much. if you are in it for the dough or depreciation makes you get up screaming at night, get out at the right time or get burnt like everything else.
I guess I just don't get it. If another Hulk premium format was released I'd be happier than a pig in ____ at the chance to grab another Hulk pf. Or another Darkness 1:1 was released I would be all over it. I don't understand the mentality that you are being slighted or that your current piece is somehow diminished because another one in the same scale/format is being done. The monetary value may be affected but if you only collect for the financial investment I really can't care about your hurt feelings. That argument falls completely flat for me.

I really don't get vegemite.
Take it from me guys, I was just recently looking for a 1:1 Venom and if this second one is any good than I don't really care for the first one, since there would be no need to get that one anymore. I was just looking to get a life size bust of venom and if this one meets those requirements than my search is over.
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i dont know. anyone who has collected hot toys since they came out has made a huge profit.
If this turns out great I will get it, if it drops the value of the first one even better because I will get it as well.

The first one has been on my grails list for a very long time, I WANT THEM BOTH because Venom is that ____ing sick :lecture

$$$$$$$$ I don't give a shat!!!!!!!!!! "TALK TO THAT!!!!!!!!"

oh and "write that down"


I think you should collect for the hobbie and love for the character, and if your statues and figures gain value over time great just makes it that much better, but if your trying to collect and resale for profit i think you should invest in property and land instead:nana: as for people paying so much for the original venom im sure they bought it for the love of the bust and character and not as an investment, im looking to get the venom comiquette and I know im going to have to spend about 500-600 for it but im not gonna have any regret if sideshow comes out with another one with a differnt style im just gonna get that to:wink1:
i hope this means theres another 1:1 Carnage and Alien Warrior in the future. I mean c'mon, the Warrior sells for like 3k, if SS is smart at all, it would be the smartest bust to make again, maybe even with an accurate paint job. The demand for that is greater than a new Venom, so SS isnt milking the right character here.