Venom Life Sized Bust #2

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How? What do you mean how? Huge difference for someone who paid retail for it then to someone who paid almost $2,000 for it. Now that isn't SSC's problem but I can see why a few collectors who be rather pissed about the situation.
I don't see the original bust dropping even 1 cent. First of all, it is the classic venom, this second one will be more modern. Second of all, anyone who has seen the first, or has/does own it, knows that the detail to this bust is second to none, in particular the tongue which is sooooo insanely detailed one would swear it's real unless they touched it. I think the original will be even more sought after.

It'll drop. Look at the original Red/Gold Comiquette. It was going for near $2000 at its high point now it can be found for aorund $700 easily and the second Comiquette is completely different. People will have no problem getting this over the original and it'll cause a dip, how significantly will be determined after the new is released and in hand.
I love this bust!!!

And after 3 months!cancelled!

I understand what you're trying to say maybe 5% of the time, probably for the best.

"cancelled"? You do know, sideshow charges cancellation fees now. It's to prevent people from backing out on deals.

Crazy thread is crazy. :cuckoo:

"Devalue the previous version"...?? Spluh?!

If I were speaking for Sideshow, I'd send out a big, fat "who gives a ^%&$??" because, as was brilliantly posted earlier, it's not their responsibilty to hold up the aftermarket value of their products... especially if they're not seeing any of those dollars.
As a company trying to stay in business, it is their responsibility to milk any "cash cow" they think can turn them a profit.

Now, speaking for myself, I'll send out a big, fat "who gives a &^%$??" because the idea that this particular instance is a bad idea when this happens every other week (I'm lookin at you, Classic/Symbiote/Negative Zone ((??!)) Spidey PF...) is insane.

Seriously, the only way to "devalue" the first Venom bust is to put out a second bust that LOOKS JUST LIKE THE FIRST ONE...

...which, clearly, isn't the case here.

Frankly, I didn't need the first one because I've already got a couple of the Horizon kits its appearance was based on....

However, this apparant "Bagley/Ultimate Venom" just might get me to fire up my credit card.

So, c'mon, guys.... get over it.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it....

...well, until SS solicits a life-size Silver Surfer bust and I start wailin' like a banshee about how it'll "devalue my Upper Deck one". :rotfl
(Oh, who am I kidding? There's such an insanely small number of them out there that that could never happen. :nana: )

Seriously man, link me to anything that indicates you know what the hell you're talking about. A collection thread for starters. Otherwise, I wouldn't start with a 20 post count talking ____ you know nothing about, newb.
Do you think we'll get a re-release of the Hulk 1:1 bust? :horror

(where's my can o' worms gif?) :D
It'll drop. Look at the original Red/Gold Comiquette. It was going for near $2000 at its high point now it can be found for aorund $700 easily and the second Comiquette is completely different. People will have no problem getting this over the original and it'll cause a dip, how significantly will be determined after the new is released and in hand.

There's more to the original Red/Gold comiquette "story" though, IMO. I'll admit I lost all desire over that piece, not because of the second comiquette release, but because of all of the frauds that hit the market. Still to this day, when you go on Ebay, half of the auction description is a seller's attempt to convince the buyer that his/her piece is the "real deal" and not a fake. You can only read that so many times before you start to invest your money elsewhere. It was bound to happen in my opinion, especially when it comes to a piece that was THAT popular at one time. Sideshow's second IM comiquette was just the final "nail in the coffin" IMO.
Did that really get under your skin Mesa?

So much so that you had to quote him twice :lol

Browsing from my phone, don't have Mike's skill of a 13 multi reply single post.

Plus this guys an idiot. Piss all over a few valid opinions while mayb having been in the hobby for a few weeks, probably bred from the latest FB spook event.

Regardless, I'm done for now. :duff
I'm actually glad companies like Bowen and SSC revisit popular characters. If the new ones turn out better, I just see it as an upgrade and sell off the old one.

Sometimes they turn out worse, and I just ignore those ones... no biggie. There will always be something else to waste my money on. :lol
There's more to the original Red/Gold comiquette "story" though, IMO. I'll admit I lost all desire over that piece, not because of the second comiquette release, but because of all of the frauds that hit the market. Still to this day, when you go on Ebay, half of the auction description is a seller's attempt to convince the buyer that his/her piece is the "real deal" and not a fake. You can only read that so many times before you start to invest your money elsewhere. It was bound to happen in my opinion, especially when it comes to a piece that was THAT popular at one time. Sideshow's second IM comiquette was just the final "nail in the coffin" IMO.

The fakes had very little to do with the drop in price, in fact it should make it go up considerably. The Hulk vs. Spider-Man diorama was copied and faked even more than the IM Comiquette and it still retains it's value no problem. There have been a few SSC pieces from that timeframe that found their way into frauds which haven't effected the original.

The same will happen with Doom, Hulk PF once another piece in released in that same formatting. Venom 1:1 was/is a grail to many and many will just get the new one to have one and not really worry about the original.
I had to go there. :lol

Hey now I break them out all the time on my phone. You kids today. I had to multiquote the old way back in the day on the phone or computer. :lol
I don't know.. I think it would be a bad decision business-wise for SSC to restrict their character choices in attempt to retain aftermaret value on the older popular pieces.

It's only natural for a company to revisit a past success. Collectible producers have always done this.
I don't really expect them to either. Let's be realistic if it sells you'll see multiples without a doubt. I fully expect a Red/Blue and Black Spider-Man 1:1 probably done in Ultimates style if this is in fact done in Ultimates styling hell probably Ultimates Carnage too.

I'll feel better (or worse) when full reveal is revealed. If significantly different, then I suppose it's justified as Venom is popular amongst fans, myself included.

If too similar, I'll assume it's just the latest attempt at milking the cash cow and I hope it's fraught with hollowness, a bad paint job that looks nothing like the proto, which eventually cracks/peels off later, previous collectors and reputation be damned.
I guess I just don't get it. If another Hulk premium format was released I'd be happier than a pig in ____ at the chance to grab another Hulk pf. Or another Darkness 1:1 was released I would be all over it. I don't understand the mentality that you are being slighted or that your current piece is somehow diminished because another one in the same scale/format is being done. The monetary value may be affected but if you only collect for the financial investment I really can't care about your hurt feelings. That argument falls completely flat for me.

It depends on the final reveal KD. If a 1:1 Darkness bust was realeased, and it wasn't all that different than the one you already owned,... from my POV it'd almost be like a recast.

If a completely different representation, bring it on, but it looks like may be very similar, based on the limited preview.
I have to agree with king. I feel the same way about more iron man stuff, lotr stuff, etc. More is better. I'm more surprised another venom so soon it feels like.
Well it's simple really. Some people collect to collect. While others have the issue of an investment in the back of their minds. I'd be pissed if I got the 1:1 for so much more than retail but it wouldn't stop me from getting this if I were a Venom fan. Personally if I can turn a profit if I need to sell something then great but realistically I just get what I like. I can't wait for the next Iron Man comiquette even if it has the exact same pose as any of the other two before it.