Wanderer's Wares

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Go for it CBob! You can get a decent recast off eBay for next to nothing. As for colour scheme I wanted to get it "realistic" lol and thought this duller sand colour would work...

Thanks Sarvish ;)

Oh aye i'm not paying £40-£60 for an original. I also bookmarked the green goblin kit as well :)

Yeah he looks great like that its a top notch job you done :)
Quick update. Finally got around to gettig my Hasbro Dooku head painted up. Didn't fancy doing it myself and ruining such a great sculpt so this redo come courtesy of Clparker04. Awesome customiser and hopefully the start of many repaints he does for me :D


I love the look on that Dooku....very elegant. Good work!

Yeah I'm very happy with it now. Cheers :)

Great Job; Wanderer, he's so Intense looking

Thanks Coloussus. It's a great piece :D

Congrats mate.

Cheers Sarvesh :)

Nice update ;)

Thank you Mr Stitch :hi5:

Definitely one of Hasbro's finest figures. Looks excellent with the repaint.

Cheers KD. Yeah Hasbro made one or 2 pretty cool figures. The sculpt on this one Defo shines through with a decent slap of paint.
Here's a few close up pics of a project I did a few years back. It's an old Horizon 1/6 model kit that fits in perfectly with my D i ck Jones and ED209. The proportions and Likeness to Peter Weller are outstanding. I think I went through 2 kits over time trying to get the right colour for the bodywork. In the end I plumped for silver and purple car paints to try and catch that 2 tone look of the armour :)




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Had a big move around today and managed to consolidate the collection over to the 2 adjoining walls. Quite happy with how it's turned out.

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Repainted Indy courtesey of Clparker. This guys painting skills are superb and I can't recommend him highly enough ;)

Awesome ;)



