War Machine Maquette

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I think firebird made some decals for the HT one and they were easy to apply. Maybe someone can ask for them for the maquette too? :D
decals would be easy to make, just photoshop and print onto a clear sticker, you can purchase sheets of it from most office supply places and then just cut them out once you get the scale correct.
My decals from firebird are on the way. The sad part is that ss hasen't replaced my defective wm :(
My decals from firebird are on the way. The sad part is that ss hasen't replaced my defective wm :(
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaame. How long has it been? Have you been in contact with them?
Guys, do you think if I got on the WL it will still convert for this guy?
I got on the waitlist after canceling my original order about 2 month ago. My WL order converted in under 2 days. It was for the flex option. I have heard of others converting recently also. I'd give it a whirl and see what happens. I think chances of a conversion are pretty decent.
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About a month. They finaly sent me an email for a 55 credit or 45 refund. Looks like they don't have any replacements. What do you guys think? should I ask for a refund and sale my im and buy the half-scale mk iii?
About a month. They finaly sent me an email for a 55 credit or 45 refund. Looks like they don't have any replacements. What do you guys think? should I ask for a refund and sale my im and buy the half-scale mk iii?
Well, I'm personally not a fan of the MK III armor or the piece itself, so my answer to your specific question would be no. Have you posted pics of your issues with your WM? What's the issue?
I have, one of his eyes has a gap and white light shines through and now that I know its there it bugs me. Even when the lights are off.(see small gap)
I have, one of his eyes has a gap and white light shines through and now that I know its there it bugs me. Even when the lights are off.(see small gap)
Well, for a piece as expensive as this one, I'd say you should be elated with your purchase. If you aren't, and it will always bug you, I'd say their offer of a partial refund or credit probably won't make you happy enough. Were I you, which I'm not, I'd return it and get on the waitlist for another one. It's been well documented that SS has both replacement and purchase inventory. If they are out of replacements, perhaps they still have others available for order.
Well, for a piece as expensive as this one, I'd say you should be elated with your purchase. If you aren't, and it will always bug you, I'd say their offer of a partial refund or credit probably won't make you happy enough. Were I you, which I'm not, I'd return it and get on the waitlist for another one. It's been well documented that SS has both replacement and purchase inventory. If they are out of replacements, perhaps they still have others available for order.

Agreed, for the price of the piece I would expect 100% satisfaction. Knowing it has a defect every single time I looked at it would make me despise it over time.
:exactly: I will wait and see what they have to say to the email I sent them asking for a replacement as the only satisfactory outcome.
Laaaaaaaaaaaaaame. How long has it been? Have you been in contact with them?

I got on the waitlist after canceling my original order about 2 month ago. My WL order converted in under 2 day. It was for the flex option. I have heard of others converting recently also. I'd give it a whirl and see what happens. I think chances of a conversion are pretty decent.

man mine took probably 2 months to convert, just got the shipping info for it today.
I thought yours was quicker than that. :confused:
Obviously not. Well, like I said my flex WL order converted in less than 48 hours. I felt lucky and happy. :)

I'm assuming you jumped on the WL a few months ago after you canceled? Well I jumped on the WL a couple of weeks ago and still nothing. If it doesn't convert then I guess it wasn't meant to be.