Warner Bros to back Blu-ray exclusively!!!!!!

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Hopefully we'll look back at Warner's announcement as the defining moment in the high format war.
So what would you recomend to someone who wants to go hi-def asap?

Well, since HD DVD seems to be somewhat out of the question now, I can highly reccomend a PS3. Now, before you do the whole "lack of games" thing, you gotta look at what it all has. As a good plus, there is the PSN store, with a good deal of game demos, and a great deal of HD movie trailers. And from what I hear, it's a bit more future proof than other Blu players out there. Pricewise, it's all around a good value for what it can all do. It's pretty much an everything machine if you ask me.

What movies to get? Well, I got 3:10 to Yuma today and it looked pretty damn good. It's not the best transfer, but it's certainly nothing to sneeze at. The movie wasn't exactly half bad either. I'm a fan of Silverado, and this certainly compares. Other movies I can reccomend are certainly Blade Runner, Casino Royale, The Pirates movies, hell, I can say that LOST looked better than most movies, so pick that up if you can get it at a good price.

So yeah, in my opinion, someone who wants to jump into HD should maybe just get a PS3. I'm sure a lot of people can agree with me on that.
I saw Samsung is about to release a combo player that's also backwards compatible for about $600. That's about what it costs to get one of each these days.

This is more for my Dad who's not at all interested in games.
Personally, I think you might wanna wait on buying anything for a little while. Sure, HD DVD has a lot of good movies out right now, but if the crap keeps hitting the fan at the rate it is, goodness only knows how much longer they'll actually be producing HD DVDs anymore. As it sits right now, it looks like all the movies may soon be available on Blu-ray. If things go down the drain quick enough, who knows if they'll actually make many of the dual format players. In other words, I'd maybe reccomend waiting a little while yet before jumping on a dual format player. If you want a Blu-ray player, I'm sure that's safe, but anything with HD DVD on it may be risky.
Although combo players sounds like a great way to hedge your bets in the remnants of the format war, there are a couple of reasons I personally would not consider one right now. Prior to today's Samsung announcement, all of the available combo players have very expensive. Far more expensive than two separate players combined. Economically, that just didn't make good sense. Now, with this new Samsung, it seems that the price issue may have been overcome, assuming that there are some discounts available through retailers. However, Samsung (as great as they are in their LCD HDTV division) has gained a notorious reputation for buggy firmware in their Blu-ray and combo players. Maybe this new one will change that, but is it worth the risk?

And, as SSC_Nerd said, the writing on the wall is looking more and more like there simply won't be any new HD DVD movies available by the time fall gets here, and anything that is available on HD DVD will likely also be available on Blu-ray by Christmas.

I think the best bet is either the PS3, or the Panasonic DMP-BD30 player. Both are very highly rated, and reasonably affordable (I currently own a PS3, and plan on getting a Panasonic unit for my family room sometime soon). Or, you could wait a couple of months, and there will be many more options, including the newly announced Funai player, which is estimated to have a street price of $275 or less.
I have a Toshiba A-20 1080P HD DVD player if anyone is looking for one...

I don't know why you guys are so happy about the news. I'd like the format war to go on as long as possible. Competition is good for the consumer. With HD-DVD and Blu-ray fighting it out, it keeps the prices down. If one format wins, I can see the end of the super special deals. :(
DO NOT GET A SAMSUNG Combo PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY SUCK BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually SAMSUNG SUCKS OVERALL!!! They have great Tvs good Picture for LCD's but the unreliability of them is so bad! its not even funny! We have had so many returns! that our open item section and divo section look like a Samsung flee market!:lol:lol even that ones that we have displayed are crappping out especially the Freaking HD COMBO PLAYER!!!:monkey4:monkey4:monkey4

just a warning!:cool:
I don't know why you guys are so happy about the news. I'd like the format war to go on as long as possible. Competition is good for the consumer. With HD-DVD and Blu-ray fighting it out, it keeps the prices down. If one format wins, I can see the end of the super special deals. :(

Like you said, there likely won't be anymore huge sales for each side, but the prices will stay down for sure and drop more even yet. Why? Because whoever won this war has an even greater foe to conquer. The almighty DVD.
I don't know why you guys are so happy about the news. I'd like the format war to go on as long as possible. Competition is good for the consumer. With HD-DVD and Blu-ray fighting it out, it keeps the prices down. If one format wins, I can see the end of the super special deals. :(

Especially when Sony is the winner. They might likely be the least consumer-friendly of all of the studio/manufacturers involved. Oh well.
I don't know why you guys are so happy about the news. I'd like the format war to go on as long as possible. Competition is good for the consumer. With HD-DVD and Blu-ray fighting it out, it keeps the prices down. If one format wins, I can see the end of the super special deals. :(

It might seem to be good for the consumer in the short run, but it isn't good for us at all in the long run. All the great deals people have gotten on players and discs has been because everyone involved is heavily subsidizing everything, vying for market share. That could not go on much longer. Anyone who was around during the birth of DVD should understand that. Remember how many DVD retailers went under because they lost so much money due to the "sales"? If the companies involved never see a profit, the formats will die. That would mean an end to new movie releases.

And let's not forget the effect that the war was having on the overall growth of HDM. People were not only holding off on buying into wither format, they were holding off on DVD purchases as well, thinking that they would just not buy anything until the war was decided.

Simply put, anyone who wants to have HDM even stand a chance of survival beyond the next two years should be grateful for an end to the stupid war.
I don't know why you guys are so happy about the news. I'd like the format war to go on as long as possible. Competition is good for the consumer. With HD-DVD and Blu-ray fighting it out, it keeps the prices down. If one format wins, I can see the end of the super special deals. :(

Yeah, once HD DVD is gone totally I dont see many BOGOs from Amazon in our future:(
Yeah, once HD DVD is gone totally I dont see many BOGOs from Amazon in our future:(

This is why I'm stocking up now on the BOGO's :D
And with Best Buy's deal this week I sunk into the blu sea with the DMP-BD30K and the 5 instant movies. Also went to TRU to get some BOGO Disney movies.
This is why I'm stocking up now on the BOGO's :D
And with Best Buy's deal this week I sunk into the blu sea with the DMP-BD30K and the 5 instant movies. Also went to TRU to get some BOGO Disney movies.

Same here, I stocked up big time on all the BOGOs.
Just read that Microsoft might offer a Blu-Ray add on drive if it becomes the clear winner.
...If the companies involved never see a profit, the formats will die. That would mean an end to new movie releases...

I don't believe that if the format war continues that HD-DVD and Blu-Ray will both die? Eventually one format would prevail since they can't continue operating at a loss but the longer it lasts, the better for us. Forgive me if I don't feel sorry for Sony and Toshiba and all the money they are losing because of this format war. Also, even at the current price point, I highly doubt the hi def DVD's themselves are a money losing proposition. If the studio's were losing money selling hd movies, they wouldn't release them.