Okay... we're going to have a lot more on all the high-def format developments at CES tomorrow, and over the next couple days. I'm working on my reports now, but it's going to take a while to cover it all. I conducted interviews with a number of studio and industry executives today, the text of which which we'll be posting here. But first, I've got two pieces of VERY major news to report this evening.
First, at the BDA press conference this evening, I asked Warner's Ron Sanders if his studio's decision to go Blu-ray only extended to New Line and HBO as well (as there's been some lingering uncertainty online). He once again diplomatically suggested that each affiliate company will be making their own decisions and announcements. But at the Digital Entertainment Group reception afterwards, I spoke directly with a senior New Line Home Entertainment executive, who confirmed that not only is New Line following Warner's lead, Pan's Labyrinth is the studio's last HD-DVD release. Their next major title will likely be The Golden Compass, on DVD and Blu-ray only later this year.
But there's more. Get this: The Financial Times of London is now reporting that Paramount DOES indeed have an out clause in their contract with the HD-DVD camp - one that would allow them to switch sides in the event that Warner were to abandon HD-DVD. Now that this has occurred, the FT says that the studio intends to exercise that option, meaning that Paramount is about to go Blu-ray only as well. It's unknown whether DreamWorks has a similar clause, but it seems unlikely that they wouldn't. Keep in mind, we have yet to confirm this officially with either studio. But if it's true, this would leave Universal the sole remaining major studio supporter of HD-DVD. On that note, when Universal reps were asked today about their high-def format plans in the wake of Warner's decision, they had no comment. Our guess is that if the FT report is accurate, you'll see some kind of official statement from Paramount imminently - possibly as early as tomorrow.
Not only has this situation just gotten a whole lot more interesting, and this format war may truly be about to end, once and for all. Stay tuned, folks...