1.Silk Specter II was just emotionless. Very wooden acting, and I wish they displayed more of the hatred she felt toward the Comedian.
I will say this, the Silk Spectre II storyline was butchered, it didn't work on film the way it was presented. The revelation that The Comedian was her father was a left field for those unaware of the original story because all of the hatred, all of the disstain was removed. I remember the guy next to me watching said "So he is her father so what?" Malin isn't the best actor but they cut a lot of what she could have had to work with.
I don't think that's true.
The Dark Knight resonated because it was so well made.
Watchmen just wasn't. Pretending it's not mainstream and the sheep didn't get it is going to be the obvious defense, but at the end of the day Zack Snyder just isn't half the director Chris Nolan is and he made a plodding, pretty mess that doesn't hold up if you apply the barest hint of thought to it.
Here is the thing, TDK and Watchmen are two completely different films. The comparisons aren't valid from anyone.
What made TDK great was that the directors and storytellers made the film like a crime drama, told a story similar to Heat or others like it and the characters were in that particular drama. The story of mob wars and a terrorist preying on a city could be told without Batman or the Joker but the fact that after that story was written the hero was tailored to Batman and the Joker was tailored to the terrorist made it phenomenal because it didn't feel like a comic book movie, it just felt like a movie which is what comic fans have been screaming for, it broke the genre line and enamored both comic fans and casual fans alike. It took from various stories to pen together a film that isn't directly tied to one particular line.
Watchmen was as true of a telling of the comics as possible. It was almost frame for frame for a good part of it the comic we've read. The thing is to accurately make it they'd have to make it a 6 hour film, to cut it down to 2 hours and 45 minutes they obviously compacted it some good and some not so good. For me it was close enough to give respect to the source and Synder should be commended for that. If you went in expecting TDK, you would have been disappoint from the go.
TDK was trying to be a genre separted film and succeeded.
Watchmen was trying to be Watchmen and in my opinion succeeded.
Synder and Nolan's directing skills can't really be compared in that they were attempting two different things. If Nolan was doing a direct page to screen adaptation I'd be interested to see how it went and then you can choose sides but Nolan told Nolan's Batman tale. Synder told Moore's Watchmen tale (for the most part).
Despite what anyone says they can't be compared.

he did make batman cool again. maybe he should've directed Watchmen
Batman has been cool. What Nolan did is broaden the audience.