I thought the beginning was boring because there was too much ballard. As I've mentioned I'm guessing we got lots of Ballard so that we don't have to see him for a while?!! Hoping so. No offense to the actor. Or, maybe a little offense. He's just not the right guy for that role.IMO. Kate on Angel, she was right for the cop role. Darn, I loved Kate! Anyways..moving on...
The story that guy told about his wife. That friggin broke my heart. I was like, holy crap. I totally understood why he did it. The only thing is, if that happened to me, and my girl was killed, I don't think any other person could fill that void. No matter what, you know? I couldn't pretend with any other person because it wouldn't be her. So, that is just easier for some people I guess!!!
Echo fighting Ballard, very awesome. Ballard looked like a baboon but Echo/Faith (cause she was so faith there) was awesome. She looked good and fought good and was just smokin hot!
What she said to him was very interesting. She said that they deal in fantasy but they are much bigger than that. So we know that there are 20 other dollhouses around the world and that deal in fantasy, duh, but also...more. They are like the Wolfram & Hart of Angel. I love this because so much reminds me of Angel. Joss wasn't done with Angel. So I hope he ties in some cool ideas from that to this. Minus vampire stuff. Booo, I like vampire stuff!!!
Now we have to wonder, who was the mole inside? Who is keeping an eye? And if someone is, why not just take em all down? Or at least that one? Well, obviously because they want to take them all down. But if you're inside, can't you get intel to the 20? I mean, if there are 20, you know there are 20, then you have to know where they are...why not take em down? Of course, the person could not know. But still cool. UNLESS, it is not someone good in there and whomever messed with her program just wanted Ballard to think there was someone good inside so he'd back off. Anything is possible I guess. So now, who is the one tampering with things? Some people think Adelle. I like to think it's not her. Mostly because I love that she's a true villain. I don't want her to have a soft spot.
Now, on to Victor and Sierra. We know that they are holding their own personalities. Because well, they have to. It's how Joss does things. And we can also see that they are not being totally wiped because used to, if a doll was suggested to do something, like take a swim or a shower, get a massage ( I could so go for one right now) then they would say..ok..I think I'll get a massage. BUT, when Victor was being taken away and they said "victor, please come with us" he said "Where?" So, he questioned what was happening. That is awesome! Yes, they are being wiped, but are keeping personality.
And how cute, he likes to play husband and wife with Sierra.
I loved how Adelle disposed of Sierra's handler. She didn't have to do the dirty work, dollhouse didn't have to do the dirty work. She set it up so it looked like a break in. This way once she activated her doll, the doll would show she's protecting herself and kills him. Self defense. Nothing leading him to dollhouse. Not a thing. How.friggin.perfect! That Adelle is a good one. She knows what she's doing.
Now, Echo painting. Two meanings. She said to Adelle that it wasn't finished. You saw Adelle's eyes get HUGE. So, she wanted to finish the job of giving that guy his fantasy, since she was painting a house and a husband and wife. And, she wanted to finish doing her work at the dollhouse. Because she's probably realizing deep down she can take them on. She obviously doesn't know it yet. But she knows deep down. So, that's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also was glad to know I wasn't wrong about Mellie. And the way Joss made us think she wasn't a doll and turned it around on us. Perfect. I love that man!