What's the best 1/6th SW fig to get into the line?

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I would ad Leia as Boushh in there, too, but Monk is right on.
( I dont have sidious 2 pack so I cant comment on that one. )

GTFO!!!!!!! You need to grab the 2 pack now, even the awesome photos posted here do him no justice, they are very nice figures and Sidious look killer on the shelf.
No one said Jedi Luke!?!?! :confused: :D

That's how I got into collectin the 1/6 SSC SW line.
I was in a newstand at a mall in NH and I saw the Jedi Luke figure.
I was on vacation and my twin brother told me to get it, I was pondering the fact over in my head. I picked it up and he was marked $49.99 when the guy behind the counter rung him up it was a lot cheaper. So I was hooked.
Old Ben is really the best yet.
Leia as Boushh, Bespin & Jedi Luke, ROTS Darth Anakin, Plo Koon, ROTS Obi-Wan, and the Emperor set are all great.
I think the only ones really to avoid for now are Yavin Luke an ANH Leia.

ANH Obi-Wan for SS and Boba Fett for Medi are the best so far for each company.
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Old Ben ANH
Luke ANH
Vader by Hurricane
Medicom Episode 2 clone
Leia as Boush

3 figures per shelf in a detolf, wig wham bam thanks very much missus

bobs your uncle, fanny's your aunt

If I knew what I know when I knew id know, Id know about it

So take my advice cause I know

Those 6 on 2 shelves in a detolf !
I think the only ones really to avodc for now are Yavin Luke an ANH Leia.

For shame, you blasphemer...

I'm more into the creatures so:

Kit Fisto
Creature Pack
Bib Fortuna

Also: Endor Troopers, Asajj, Jabba set,
ANH Leia may not be the best figure in the line, but she's by no means bad. I'd take her over Qui-Gon and his goofy hair any day.
i just got jedi luke and i like him alot. he is kinda boring compared to some of the more recent figures. the level of detail has gone up the past couple of years but he is the best version of luke so far IMO.
Depends on your tastes, really:

Best human, OT: Ep IV Ben Kenobi or Leia Boushh
Best human, PT: Ep II Obi-Wan or Anakin

Best alien: Kit Fisto or Darth Maul, Asajj

Best 'start-off-with-a-bang' purchase: OT: Jabba PT: Palp/Sidious set
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I really want to pick up an Old Ben for my dad, who's a huge Alec Guiness fan.

to get me intothis line however, you would need one of 2 figures, Boba Fett or Slave Leia. Either way I'm happy! :D
With noticeable improvement to the upcoming head sculpts, you should consider the new ones too.
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No one mentioned ROTS Obi-Wan? I love that piece although I think the new Clone Wars version will blow it away.
I have to say Old Ben Kenobi is the Definitive figure in this line, done to perfection. CW Obi looks to be great but since its not released yet I think the crown remains with the hermit from Tatooine.