Hmmm. their bodies maybe the same but their heads are very different as far as hot toys figures are concerned. In the movie(Predator 2), the lost Pred's face was never revealed. It was always covered by his biomask. I think Hot toys took the artistic freedom to sculpt and create a brand new headsculpt for lost preds face. Now when I'm referencing Lost pred I mean the Green guy with the cyborg armor. his face is unique and original to the hot toys predator line, and in the movie his face was never revealed. So I'm not sure where you're getting your info from. Are we talking about the same preds?yeah, the borg's head and body are the P2. the armor is from an older movie Winston worked on called The Vindicator. but the head and body are exactly the same as P2's with a different paint app.
nope. no mask in the movie.
the mask the figure came with is from a different pred. so is the staff.
Dude, you have me 2nd-guessing now. I'll have to go back home and check the head sculpts!it's from The Winston Effect. required reading for any pred fan or fan of creature effects in general. buy it and love it.
True. If it is the exact same sculpt, it's amazing what a little paint can do. The 1/6 head on the p2 when compared to Lost are night and day when I last looked at my figs. But in the pic that you posted, I could definately see the resemblance between the movie preds. If the head sculpts are the same, then that would mean the only truely unique pred would be Wolf. His body and head are unlike any other.- Wolf's body looks a little lanky and awkward at times depending on how you pose him, but his head sculpt is definately one of the coolest.well i dunno if HT changed the sculpt or not but it looks the same to me. i just know Winston didn't change it. kinda silly if HT did for no reason.
Every one has there own feels on this so no one is wrong.I open with that because i do not own any of the AVP's due to price and there my least favorite all around.The movie sucks and there faces are crap but there still a predator and cant help want them.
I dont get the no love for the Lost or Gort.Theres percentage of that on this thread.The Gort should not be hated due to the rehash,thats a fact but not a reason to hate the figure it self.Just my thoughts.And i love my lost predator, the armor is sweet and his face is wicked.I would have liked him more with darker colors but its movie accurate.
Heres a cool pic of my gort and p1
Either Lost or any of the AVP ones. Owned the AVP Elder twice now, didn't like it either time.
yeah i got rid of my BD P2 a while ago. so, i'm pretty happy with the Guardian. i did keep the xeno skull that came with it. and it's displayed next to my Elder because he didn't come with a skull. i kinda wish i would've kept the medkit though. it was pretty cool and impossible to find now.In my opinion, my least favorite would be Guardian Predator because I have the classic P1 and the battle damaged P2, which together have almost all the features (headsculpt, armor, accessories) that the Guardian has.
They created a brand new head sculpt for lost pred. Two distinct head sculpts.well i dunno if HT changed the sculpt or not but it looks the same to me. i just know Winston didn't change it. kinda silly if HT did for no reason.
seems more like a support group than a discussion thread. most of the users who defend the crappy sculpts on those are the newbies/stragglers who paid through the nose for them on the aftermarket. i paid retail for mine so i don't have a dog in that fight. but i do know outdated/inferior products when i see them. no way to defend the movie either.On another note, I don't think the AVP Preds look like cheap toys at all. They still look pretty impressive. But seeing all the hate I now understand why there is the give some love to the classics thread hehe
figures.They created a brand new head sculpt for lost pred. Two distinct head sculpts.
seems more like a support group than a discussion thread. most of the users who defend the crappy sculpts on those are the newbies/stragglers who paid through the nose for them on the aftermarket. i paid retail for mine so i don't have a dog in that fight. but i do know outdated/inferior products when i see them. no way to defend the movie either.