Poind for pound, I would say the Sideshow maquette is the best choice. It's got great size and is fairly accurate. CM had amazing size and a great pose, but tje proportions, especially of the head, were horrible. If size and cost are not an issue, and all that matters is the strictest accuracy to detail and proportion, Sano is top of the line.
It amazes me how "difficult" it seems to have been for everybody but Sano to capture the correct head shape. Not even the Sideshow piece nailed it.
After painting up the full Sano figure, I really wish I could find one of these 1/3 busts to paint up. I think that would be the only way I'd want to tackle the skull detail ever again.
I have a 1/3 bust Sano kit...
I was planning to ask joe to paint it for me,but he still hasn't even answered me back yet for the 1/5 statue kit
And I have this second 1/5 kit that I Was hoping you could paint but I can't afford what you're asking for
By the way You still haven't told me what kind of paint and tools I sould use to start painting...
Once again great work Nathan