Freaked Out
The only way to see Merry and Pippin is if they are disguised as Marvel heros or Clone Troopers
Did the Avengers movie win 11 Acadamy Awards???? NO.
The only way to see Merry and Pippin is if they are disguised as Marvel heros or Clone Troopers are right...but Avengers ALONE made OVER $1.5 BILLION dollars...and that is what talks...SALES.
While LOTR is a VERY special trilogy and we had some great products is no longer 'relevant' to the pop culture world. We are in a very NOW NOW NOW society...and right now, it is a lot of talk about Marvel, DC, and of course, Star Wars...
This "no Middle-earth" at SDCC has been confirmed over at The Shadow and Flame.
A lot of people on the forum said they would be concerned for the line if nothing was shown or teased at Comic-Con. Just wondering what everyone thinks now that this has been confirmed? Will the maquette line continue? What about the PF line? And with the Hobbit line yet to even get started (if it ever will), do you think SS's time in Middle Earth is coming to an end, or will it simply be a case of a very, very, very small number of pieces being released per year? I for one will be shifting my attention to the Weta line...
I think pretty soon Weta will get back the 1/6 scale LOTR statue license. I think it's inevitable. They'll churn out Middle-Earth goodness for all for the rest of time and and shall be well.