boy! We are really getting off topic here. We’re also getting a little bit too deep, (maybe even too deep for me=). You articulated a few points, so I hope that I've interpreted them correctly. If not, please correct me if I've ms-interpreted your statements. Sorry, in advanced guys for getting off topic. I hope we don’t end up closing this thread but here goes…
1. The only benefit of government is that is protects our natural rights…
I personally enjoy the benefits of having roads, streets, lamp posts, highways, stoplights, bridges, public education, public libraries, public transportation so that kids can have bus’s to take them to school, etc…
devilof76 said:
…fallacies. The first is that in capitalism, the law favors the rich…
I don’t think it is a fallacy to believe that there are laws out there that favor big business(or the wealthy). It is the big corporations that lobby and bribe our politicians to help create legislation and laws that benefit them. This is not a fallacy, but a sad and grave reality IMO
devilof76 said:
… We have had a mixed system since the turn of the last century and every politician I've ever heard open their mouth has advocated a balance between the extremes. That is the system that resulted in this downturn…
Agree and disagree. I Agree that we have a mixed system. But a healthy balanced mix system during the last administration? NO. I think a healthy mix of Gov to Business would be 50, 50 or even 40,60 respectively, but I don’t think that was the healthy balanced mix we had that cause the economic meltdown. During the last administration, It was more of an extreme imbalance of maybe 20%gov, 80%business that caused our economic and financial downturn IMO. Just a subjective guesstimate, but I think you catch my drift.
devilof76 said:
In fact, individualism is the political system which protects the rights of the individual, which means that no one is favored on account of economic status. The resultant economic system under such a legal philosophy is capitalism. Yes, there are those who benefit more when everyone is free to achieve their highest or lowest potential. Nature did not grant us all equal gifts, and even if she did, nothing says that any one of us can or will use those gifts to the best of our ability.
True, let’s hope that the ones that benefit more, and use their gifts to the best of their ability, don’t ultimately get corrupted by greed and power to do more harm then good. Let’s hope that all the wallstreet ceo’s learned their lesson. Though it’s kind of hard to learn a lesson when you are never punished for what you did-(it seems that these wealthy crooks are protected under our current legal system=)
devilof76 said:
On the other hand, collectivism is the political system which protects the rights of society, and since society is not an entity, but an abstract perspective on a group of separate individuals, such a system necessarily protects some individuals at the expense of others. Socialism is the economic system that results from collectivist legal codes and it's necessary economic consequence is stagnation at best, total collapse, total control, and total war at worst.
devilof76 said:
The balance between the two is like balancing food with poison, and as recent history bears testament to, food is not the side that wins when you compromise one with the other.
Although it has many meanings and connotations, The word “Socialism” is usually tied to, or implies communism. So if you’re implying that our government is akin to communism, then I’ll have to disagree.
I'm probably interpreting this wrong but do you believe that collective laws governing society/economy are a poison to the well beings of individuals living in that society? Do you believe in every man for himself, with no collective laws, rules or regulation? Are you advocating anarchy?
The balance between Government and Capitalism is like yin and yang, and not poison and food IMHO. The Government needs the profits/revenues and employment generated by businesses to keep itself functioning. In turn, businesses and consumers (individuals) need the protection and the laws of government to enforce rules and regulations so as to protect all parties involved. Let a company get too big, and it will become a monopoly and stifle fair competition and innovation -while also making everything more expensive for the consumer. Rules and regulations by government do not necessarily stifle big Business from being profitable as pundits on the right would want you to believe; but instead, it helps to prevent corporations from hurting consumers and maybe even themselves and our economy-(i.e. Countrywide, Washington Mutual, Lehman brothers, AIG, the real-estate market/mortgage meltdown…the list goes on and on.).
The invisible hand of capitalism, whether you like it or not, is driven partially by greed. And greed, if left unfettered, unregulated and without rules, can corrupt and create more damage then good sometimes. Don’t get me wrong. I like Capitalism. All I’m saying is that some checks and balances would do more good than harm IMO. Just my two cents. Now I hope people didn't just fall asleep reading this.