That would mean that roughly 15,050 of the members here are idiots.98.99%![]()
That would mean that roughly 15,050 of the members here are idiots.. Now I'm completely normal, but I wonder about the rest of you clowns.
A metal for shooting someone for being a NSM member? Unless that person has actually done something wrong other than being a gung ho Mr White Only, then no, he didn't deserve to die.
According to the 60 Minutes story, the guy beat the ____ out of the mother and the boy on a regular basis. The child's own words on the matter were that he was finishing the father-son conflict once and for all.
I don't think that a racist deserves to die for being a racist. I do think that the man got exactly what he asked for. Justice? Damn straight. He created the little monster, and the little monster acted according to the identity he gave it. Children do not have the reasoning abilities to make their way out of that kind of concerted psychological manipulation, so even though the kid had free will, I have no problem saying that it wasn't his fault. The father was the cause, and the father reaped the consequence.
That would mean that roughly 15,050 of the members here are idiots.. Now I'm completely normal, but I wonder about the rest of you clowns.
I agree with almost everything you said. However, given the circumstances and his family environment...I'd describe the kid as maybe more of a victim,(and maybe hero), acting in self defense to protect his mom and himself rather than a "little monster". As he gets older, let's just hope and pray he doesn't turn into one after this experience.
I only say monster because in the story as I heard it, the kid was 100% hook, line & sinker for the philosophy of dominance his father preached.
Every now and then I have the misfortune of getting updated by the History Channel or something. Sunday night I was driving home from Cape Cod and 60 Minutes was on the radio. There was a story about a Californian man who was a rising star in the National Socialist Movement (current incarnation of the American Nazi Party) who was executed in May by his 10 year old son. Shot him point blank with his own gun.
Moral of the story being that now I know. I guess the economy has lit a fire under the ass of some of the more self-assured white trash halfwits in this country. They don't have the benefit of the universities coddling and them the way minority halfwits do, so I understand they're only about 500 strong and not particularly well known. Probably just a matter of time before the number gets bigger...
Who cares. All these white supremacists and Black Panthers and who ever are all talking the talk for the most part. They say "we need to take over our communities and kick the race we don't like out", but do they ever actually do that, no they don't. I watched a thing about a white supremacist leader who was jailed for life and all his stupid high school brainwashed followers said "time to act, i'm not talking about protesting, but walking down the street with guns", do they ever do that no, they are *******. the only crimes they do is kill someone once in a while, that is it, then they get caught go to jail and say they acted alone and cry it's because they had a bad childhood and the fathers didn't love them (if they had balls they would say they killed him for their cause and all that crap). They fail to do something big to get their point across, either they don't have the balls or are too stupid.
So even if these numbers grow, they are not really something we need to worry about, their numbers will still be way too small for them to do anything. I actually completely forgot about the black supremacist (Black Panthers), so if we never here about them, guess they are not much of a problem.
Who cares. All these white supremacists and Black Panthers and who ever are all talking the talk for the most part. They say "we need to take over our communities and kick the race we don't like out", but do they ever actually do that, no they don't. I watched a thing about a white supremacist leader who was jailed for life and all his stupid high school brainwashed followers said "time to act, i'm not talking about protesting, but walking down the street with guns", do they ever do that no, they are *******. the only crimes they do is kill someone once in a while, that is it, then they get caught go to jail and say they acted alone and cry it's because they had a bad childhood and the fathers didn't love them (if they had balls they would say they killed him for their cause and all that crap). They fail to do something big to get their point across, either they don't have the balls or are too stupid.
So even if these numbers grow, they are not really something we need to worry about, their numbers will still be way too small for them to do anything. I actually completely forgot about the black supremacist (Black Panthers), so if we never here about them, guess they are not much of a problem.
The problem with that philosophy is that by the time they actually do something, you've ignored them and are completely ignorant as to just how big a movement it is. A good comparison would be riots. More often than not, law enforcement is forced to let them play themselves out rather than confront them. This scenario would be similar, but they wouldn't burn out and go home, they'd burn you out of your own. I'm not suggesting you should live in fear over them, but turning a blind eye is possibly the stupidest thing you could do.
I don't take any of these groups seriously. I didn't say turn a blind eye, but don't take them too seriously and think we have to hide under our beds because of them. They have been talking about full blown riots and killing every non white person in their neighborhoods since the 70's (the white supremacist) have they done anything like that, no they haven't. They always say "the time will come, we are preparing, the day will come when we take over", again they have been saying that since the 70's. These people are just full of ____ miss informed idiots who act like they have a huge organization like the mafia, when most of it is random small groups with small numbers of young kids who are runaways and brainwashed kids just looking for a place to make friends and fit in.
Yeah they kill once in a while, so they are groups to keep your eyes on, but in no way do we need to fear them or think one day they will invade neighborhoods and attack or control states, will never happen. They are too busy getting drunk every night and listening to heavy metal music and talking the talk. Not to mention they have been talking about doing that for 40 years and stilll nothing has really happened.
If they ever start growing balls and act like the Russian Neo Natzis who kill lots and have their own websites with their own members videos of them killing, executing, beheading and attacking people on a regular basis, that is when we will have a serious problem. That has never been the case in the States and l don't think it ever will be.
Or they could grow in a more dangerous and covert way through our political system. I wouldn't take them so lightly or dismiss them. Sure there are those knuckle-heads who scream and shout racist slurs and have swastikas tattooed on their foreheads but what about the more quiet and intelligent ones within their ranks wearing suits and ties? What about the leaders pulling the strings who are very intelligent socially and politically?
Would you rather have an overtly Raciest neo Nazis whom you could easily identify through these videos and websites, or a secret closet neo Nazis who could be a senator, or local congressman who is head of a major political group or party? I think the latter is more dangerous. I sometimes look at political groups like the tea party and wonder if there aren't a few bad apples in there hiding behind their rank and file. Not saying the Tea party is racist, but sometimes some of the picket signs they hold up at some of their rally's and some of the things they shout are a little scary and a bit offensive to say the least.
Isn't that group "Nation of Islam" anti-white?
I think it would be very dificult for one of those Natzis to make it deep enough into the government to make changes in their hating favor... When running for almost any kind of election lots of stuff comes out about their beliefs and their past, I'm sure they would be found out and outed in no time. I still don't see the nazis with out tats and wearing suits instead making much of a change (maybe slightly)...
l heard just a few days ago (don't remeber where) that race relation in the States are getting better by 30%, not sure if that is accurate or true. In any case a black man being president is a big step forward for the States. Not to mention many of these Nazi idiots said and l have heard on TV they would kill Oboma if he was elected president, well he is still alive with zero problems. Just another example of their talk and no walk. If they really wanted to get their point across and show they are to be feared you think they would of tried to kill him by now to show how serious their hate is, but of course they pussied out.