I liked it better than Returns. Carrey was good. Two Face was too over-the-top. I liked Kilmer as Batman. I thought the Batmobile was terrible, though ... cool looking in theory, but way too flimsy-looking in reality.
I feel the same way, except for Carrey. Watching it now, it's just kind of obvious that this was a Jim Carrey movie at the height of his popularity and he was really just being the same character he was in every other movie he did then, which really wasn't The Riddler. Tommy Lee Jones is awesome, but I didn't dig his Two Face much at all.
I said in the Keaton thread that I thought Kilmer was actually a very worthy successor to Keaton, and had they taken the content seriously (which, had they done that, Keaton would have returned) Kilmer would've been an awesome Batman. I actually liked his Bruce Wayne more than Keaton's.
I remember when this movie came out everybody went ape____ over the Batmobile, and like SnakeDoc said, it's REALLY cool visually, but when you see Robin driving it and the fin is in the split position and it's wobbling all over the place, it really takes the piss out of it. I LOVED the toy when I was a kid though, the one that actually lit up. Awesome toy.
I actually just watched Forever the other day, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. There are enough good elements (Kilmer, Michael Gough's Alfred is always a joy, Nicole Kidman at the peak of hotness in a fairly decent role . . . I was surprised at how much I preferred her character over Rachel in the Nolan films, who was always the weak part of that series and I'm glad she's dead) that make it very watchable.
Batman and Robin is next in my queue . . . been quite awhile since I ventured near that one. I'm not expecting to be so pleasantly surprised. B&R would be pretty fun as a comic-book fan's Rocky Horror Picture Show . . . throw crap around, make fun of the characters, etc etc