The problem with Supes Returns was:
- The Director (Brian is a good director but sometimes you dont get it right)
- Making a movie like the first one from 1978, how imature is that??
- Kate is a great actress! to yung for the part and the main problem was the script.
- Spacey good actor, bad script, Luthor had to be like the byrne era (the one that smallville is currently portrayng)
- Langela (Perry White) boring again, because of the script.
- Sam H. (Jimmy Olsen) good casting - bad script
- Brandon Routh, looked very young for the part, he is not a good actor, he did an acceptable Supes but again the script hurt his performance.
- And i remembered the first time saw the suit it was like the world was ending for me but in the end i accepted it, but right now i feel like the first time i saw it so i hope that in the next movie they stay true to the basics (lite colors)
If they want to cast a young actor they should go with Henry Cavil, but thinking of it whn they (if the do) a JL movie the guy will look to young to be the main man there, if i was directing it i would probably cast someone that looks very close to Chris Reeve.
My point of view