i think ss saw your child and decided to make the pf...i am sure for that..
His mask comes off too....what a coincidence
You're so bad at photoshop. Let Darth Maul do you one up! Heck, I just might!
I'm tempted to pre-order. But honestly, I like the Comiquette more. So, if anyone is seriously considering selling their Wolvie Comiquette to get this, please PM me. I'd be much happier with that, than the PF. I just couldn't justify $500 for it.
i'm thinking or hoping that if sideshow does a brown version that it'll be after the yellow has shipped out to purchasers, or they'll offer it at a super low ES like with some of the other releases such as grey hulk, grey hulk vs spidey and the spidey pf variants.
so if they do a super low es it really won't matter about the release time since such a low es won't take away from the yellow versions return rate...
you meam,that if they make a brown version they will release it after shipping the regular one??
No way jose...
One the Com has the better pose, two I don't think it will go down in price... For the same reason whenever the Hulk Com comes out the PF will not go down in price. Why because it's the first version...
i think that depends also on the es..
nice pic skiman!!!
I think ppl thinking that the Com is gonna go downhill are in for a rude awakening...
I personally think that the Com looks better than the PF but.... I wouldn't mind having both for different setups and different scaled partner pieces to match up for different battles.
They both will be great but don't count on the Com going South because of this...
Attack of Wolverine Cherubs!