Super Freak
What timestamps are there for the people who are getting converted ?
Nevermind, I just got converted. Time places 18:07:01
Congrats. Thanks for killing the ES number. lol Kidding
What timestamps are there for the people who are getting converted ?
Nevermind, I just got converted. Time places 18:07:01
that ES stinks...LOL! (pajama wolvie)
Did anyone really expect this ES to be any lower than it is. Come on, its Wolverine.
never ordered...but i know someone who is canceling
I know but ur kept hearing ppl saying 200, 250, 300, I was like COM'ON no way, not if SS wants to make money.
700 is fine for me, i knew it would be at least 500, and with Cap having an ES of 850, 700 is below that so alls good imo..
I'm stoked because of how well it'll potentially match up with the Hulk PF.
Jake, you still have a Hulk??
Provided the fiance approves the purchase...
ah yes, and so it starts
ES of 700+ is very possible. I dont really care as long as I get one thats not damaged.