Harry Gregson-Williams was one of the composers on "The Rock".Yeah it was decent, Sean Connery as Big Boss is great, seriously, even the soundtrack is straight out of MGS lol
And than he became regular composer for MG startin' with MGS2.

Harry Gregson-Williams was one of the composers on "The Rock".Yeah it was decent, Sean Connery as Big Boss is great, seriously, even the soundtrack is straight out of MGS lol
I mean when Hitler showed up on the world stage.
WW ended on a high note with her leaping to the rescue once more so why did she retire?
Well at the beginning of this movie, she said something of not knowing much of the world. After the defeat of Ares, humanity eventually went back to conflict/war. She eventually decided to basically give up. It seem to compliment BvS' WW. Besides, if she didn't kill that Dr. Poison, she is not going to kill Hitler. Ares is basically the main villain to end all villain, to her.
90s had some good films, but was lacking in the action department imo. Not well represented in your list for that reason. Though I also enjoyed True Lies.
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And if I had one major thematic quibble with the film, it would have to do with this idea that Ares was somehow causing all of this conflict leading to World War II. How do you then explain the Cold War or what happened in China or the koreas or Cambodia or Vietnam etc etc etc. I wasn't much of a break really after World War II beyond the kind of global peace between Western powers that was due to the US taking on this role as a global hegemon the integration of Europe into what later became the EU and the threat thermonuclear war. It also takes blame way from all these leaders like Hitler, Stalin, and Hirohito who contributed to the conflict to begin with. But ... ... comic book movie. It's fine no big deal. But that was kind of stupid.
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I don't think of heat as an action movie primarily. And of course the Spielberg movies are good no matter what decade they are made in. Same could be said for James Cameron. Or Mel Gibson. So what does that leave you with? If you're an Independence Day fan then that's on you my friend.
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What I was wondering waswhy didn't the sniper just shoot WW in the head? He had an opportunity while she was just standing there talking. Can she block shots she can't see coming? Anyone see Full Metal Jacket?