So wonder woman up in gotham city sirens right??????
I mean, they pretty much HAVE to add her now....
What makes you think that? Just curious is all, but I'd like to see WW step out of that one and see more Batgirl. I don't know why she would
HAVE to though.
Not to be a downer, but JL is already done filming. Not much Whedon can do but try to polish it up in editing & post production. He can't change any story plots or scenes already shot. His involvement at this point will have very little to do other than overseeing it's touch ups.
Actually, movies change really fast. Suicide Squad had upwards of 5 different cuts right up to the day it was released, when a studio puts this much money into franchises they usually care a lot more then "eh **** it, shoot it, edit it, bada-bing!
True, JL is done shooting, but that's only half of the process to make a film. And, they still have re-shoots for JL coming up, either for script changes or just plane reshoots. Whedon has his work cut out for him. We're still a long way from November, the editing room is what makes a movie. Not a camera.
Wonder how he will react if it gets as bad reviews as BvS did... He'll probably blame it on Snyder and say he didn't do much, the movie was already done...

It's clear he's not much of a team player with all the friction he had in the MCU.
He probably wouldn't care either way. He's the guy who's now had director duties for The Avengers and Justice League, for a nerd I bet he's pretty happy. And the friction with the MCU was caused by Fiege, and always has been. Joss isn't the only director to leave the MCU. Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman) was going to direct Thor 2 and dropped out because Feige wouldn't let her change the script. I don't blame her, that movie is poo.
Also, not sure as to Wonder Woman being a huge success that it will have much bearing on JL.
It will have a huge bearing going on to JL. Iron Man was pretty much unheard of to the general population before the movie came out, and he's the reason the fist avengers movie did so well. Wonder Woman has always been a well known character, and now that her solo flick is out, and people are really liking it, of course they will show up to see her in JL.
Wonder Woman was not just a comic movie, but a movie with an agenda.
Yeah, so were her comics, TV shows, and all round character. She's always been a feminist and for the movie not to reflect that would be asinine.
I'd say the movie has very strong feminist themes, but they are directly coordinated towards the main character, who is a female superhero, so it makes sense.
However, the right-wing and their tunnel vision can't get past the fact that there's a female superhero and just enjoy the movie without labeling it and tossing it to the side.
After seeing it, it was never in your face about it. It was a simple theme throughout the movie, and it worked. In fact, the movie did a really great job at showing the hell our boys went through so many years ago. And makes a fact to honor them. Wonder Woman is pretty much the only female in the movie.
It had lot's of support from Women who aren't even comic book fans just because of what it represented..
Yeah, so did the TV show. Who cares? Do you honestly think that 90% the people seeing these flicks even remotely know the source material? No, they don't.
Plus being it's a stand alone movie set in the past, it really has absolutely nothing to do with the JL movie. Many people who saw Wonder Woman may have little to no interest in JL. It wasn't directed by a woman,

and Wonder Woman is only a small part of the movie.
The First Avenger was set in the past, and it had nothing to do with The Avengers..
I can almost guarantee you, that if you walked up to a random on the street and asked "hey do you know who directed the new Wonder Woman movie?" They have no clue.
Most people could give 2 ****s about who or what a director is unless they're a film buff, like us here on SSF's.
Batman is at the forefront, she's just a supporting character. It definitely can only help JL, but not sure really by how much. I have no faith in JL already just based on what we've scene in trailers, footage and costume designs. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out though.
As he should be, he was the face of the DCEU, but seeing how popular she is becoming, and Whedon's political attitude, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a lot of Wonder Woman. At the end of BvS it was just Bruce and Her anyways, I'm sure the first part of the film will focus around those 2 hunting down the League.
I'm always rooting for DC/WB, but they've done everything wrong up to this point with the future still looking bleak. It's obvious they don't hold their own characters in the same regards as Marvel does... Just a payday for them.
I think you're confused, Marvel is alllll about that pay bay-bay, they're owned by disney for ****s sake!
They always take the easy path, shiny, lots of splosions, same exact story beats from movie to movie, fun, and kid-friendly.
DC/WB/Fox aren't afraid to delve into darker material, and material that's closer to some of the comics. Never, ever, will we ever, get an R rated cut of Iron Man, or gore and violence like the current X-Men flicks. Which is fine with me, but kid-friendly only lasts so long before it starts to feel like a CW TV show, *coff* *coff* GOTG2... *coff* Dr. Strange.... *coff*.