Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I think this is going to be the stand out film next year. I have high hopes for this one.

Same here.


Great moment in the trailer. :yess:
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I liked that. And I liked it before I read anyone else's reaction, seems it wasn't my imagination, it did look good!

Wow, could this be the first film in this DCCU that I actually enjoy?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Good trailer, except for that tagged on part at the end. Why do the people who make these feel the need to do that? Makes me cringe and roll my eyes at the same time.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Good trailer, except for that tagged on part at the end. Why do the people who make these feel the need to do that? Makes me cringe and roll my eyes at the same time.

I liked it.
Its all about the context and how it's delivered.
Had Leslie Jones said it in the Ghost Busters movie I would've thrown up.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Well I'm surprised but I did enjoy the trailer. When bvs came out i did not like how they shoe horned wonder woman into the film and I didn't enjoy the performance of gal because it felt forced and bland but from her stand alone movie it looks like it's giving her more to work with and it seems to be better. I can actually say I'm excited for this and I wasnt even going to bother with it.

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Yeah as a trailer it was generic, all trailers are, need to show those one liners and action to hook people.

That's a good thing for a trailer.

If they're gonna recoil from showing the entire movie like they did with BvS, then lesson learned.

I gotta agree with Riddick though, everything in that trailer looked borderline fan made.

I agree most trailers are formulaic but I'm just talking about what they showed, everything looked extremely generic. The action, and dialogue looked like something I've seen a trillion times. I can understand Wonder Woman fans being excited but for a casual fan like myself that trailer was so meh that I have no desire to watch that movie possibly ever.

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I loved it. Wonder Woman looked great on-screen and they are definitely going for the "out of time" thing with Diana which where I'm sure the humor will come. The lasso looks great and her theme is very cool. Looking forward to seeing more of this.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I loved it. Wonder Woman looked great on-screen and they are definitely going for the "out of time" thing with Diana which where I'm sure the humor will come. The lasso looks great and her theme is very cool. Looking forward to seeing more of this.

Agreed on all counts. Looks like a sexier Cap First Avenger movie. Works for me.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I gotta agree with Riddick though, everything in that trailer looked borderline fan made.

I agree most trailers are formulaic but I'm just talking about what they showed, everything looked extremely generic. The action, and dialogue looked like something I've seen a trillion times. I can understand Wonder Woman fans being excited but for a casual fan like myself that trailer was so meh that I have no desire to watch that movie possibly ever.
Really? The mix of light 300 with Captain America did nothing for you? Or WW stopping bullets and mortars with her shield? That's generic?

I agree that some of it looks rushed, like they're in a hurry to turn people's minds away from BvS-related expectations, but what can I say, it's working.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Really? The mix of light 300 with Captain America did nothing for you? Or WW stopping bullets and mortars with her shield? That's generic?

I agree that some of it looks rushed, like they're in a hurry to turn people's minds away from BvS-related expectations, but what can I say, it's working.

Yeah, it looks dope as **** :yess:
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I think 300 is okay movie that's really elevated by its visuals and direction, this doesn't look nearly as good as that. Cap 1 I find to be an extremely mediocre movie, so 300 light and TFA does absolutely nothing for me here. Maybe I need to watch it again but this trailer looked worse than most MCU trailers if I'm honest. I prefer DC trying to do something different than make something this generic.

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I can understand Wonder Woman fans being excited but for a casual fan like myself that trailer was so meh...
As a DC fan I saw a bunch of Asgardian women findin' Midgardian man and then one of them travel back with him to helo fight Nazies because Steve Rogers was too busy with Hydra. :monkey4

Also, I felt no old school or even "out of time" style.
You can say whatever you want about "The First Avenger" and "The Avengers", but they had both.

I hate the electric cello. It's a good melody but that part makes my ears bleed.
Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Eh, The First Avenger maybe since Joe Johnston's style of directing but The Avengers though? That looked like a modern ABC television show. In fact it looked exactly like Agents of Shield :lol

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Trailer looked great. It looks VERY distinct compared to all the other DC films we've seen (even the trailers for the unreleased films).

The color palettes alone are so bright and saturated. The 1st scene on the ocean was beautiful with the blues and yellows. The vibrant lighting in the (ball?) scene was great visually as well. Just looks worlds different from MoS, BvS, and SS. Can't wait for this!