Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

i love how her butt is so powerful, it breaks a gun in half :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Looks great but it could be ]sad since the timeline is set way in the past for Steve Trevors. So I wonder what happens to him. Does he die or is he an old man in the present day. Maybe something happened to him

I believe he wasn't mentioned in B v S. And it looks like he won't be mentioned in JL.

I don't think that Steve Trevor is alive in the present. I could be wrong of course depending if any magic or science are woven into the story.

i love how her butt is so powerful, it breaks a gun in half :lol

What the what?!? :lol:rotfl :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Looks great but it could be ]sad since the timeline is set way in the past for Steve Trevors. So I wonder what happens to him. Does he die or is he an old man in the present day. Maybe something happened to him

I believe he wasn't mentioned in B v S. And it looks like he won't be mentioned in JL.

He could be alive because the year of the present films is unknown and it's a fictional world. Is it 2016 in JL?

If so, he might be dead. They might not show him.as an old man because Capt 2 already did it first with the Peggy Carter character, and the last thing they want is more comparisons to Marvel.

Then again, the Bruce Wayne and Flash scene in JL reminded me of Stark.and Spidey in Civil War :lol Some things are unavoidable I guess.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017










Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

EW cast photo...


Robin Wright's eyebrows look very thick in that photo. :lol

I was wondering who the woman on the right is. Then someone said something about Robin Wright. That isn't her.

Also look at the hands. I see Chris Pine's right hand around I assume director Patti Jenkins. Then there is a left hand on Patti's arm I was assuming it's Chris's. But then it seems to connected to the woman on the right. But doesn't it look like a man's hand?

Here's Robin:
MV5BMTU0NTc4MzEyOV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODY0ODkzMQ@@._V1_UY317_CR4,0,214,317_AL_.jpg robin-wright-at-google-netflix-whca-weekend-party_1.jpg
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

The more I watch the trailer the more I like it.

Some iffy wire-word but I take it over some of the bad WW CGI in BvS.