Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

You know who's a good left wing boi? Green Arrow, I wonder if he's still at it in Rebirth, haven't read his stuff.
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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Eh, there's a difference between having a viewpoint, and posting stuff like "I'll flip tables and I'll rain hellfire". It's idiotic. But yeah, Big Two books are definitely not the place for such discussions. Comics in general yes, indies and the like, but I don't need Batman preaching me on the disadvantages of capitalism or whatever. But nowadays, it's more about how you can push your agenda rather than writting a good story. It's sad, really.

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

You know who's a good right wing boi? Green Arrow, I wonder if he's still at it in Rebirth, haven't read his stuff.

But I thought GA was the most liberal of liberal comic book characters. I was interested in picking up the Rebirth title, but...: https://www.newsarama.com/29144-rebirth-green-arrow-writer-ollie-is-a-social-justice-warrior.html

From what I hear it's quite well written though. To be fair, as a modern day Robin Hood it's not bad for him to tackle such issues, but the most that these writers are gonna do is just go "love is love", "love your neighbor" and all that. I'd love to see him use his fortune to help out poor families. I'd love to see him take trips all around the globe and help people. Not just the usual cape stuff where they fly to a war-torn country, get sad for an issue and then go back to banging super-models. Have him set up centres all around the globe that help folks, have him fund new medicine, that kind of stuff. There's potential, but it's squandered.

To be blunt, if you gave me, and hundreds of others, characters like Iron Man, Green Arrow, Doctor Doom, and other such interesting but underutilized characters, and told us "be free", I think we, as fans and average joes, would write something at last unique. If only I had time (you ain't seen bad universities and education systems until you've seen ours...), I'd get to work on that Iron Man fan-fic...

Worst thing is, there are only extremes these days, there's no middle at this point.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

My bad, I meant left wing, which is funny considering his background, he stands for actual social justice and your don't see them gloating about it.

I've been wanting to write some stuff lately too, mostly Supes but I've had other ideas as well, plus I need to learn how to draw too :lol
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

My bad, I meant left wing, which is funny considering his background, he stands for actual social justice and your don't see them gloating about it.

I may check the trades at some point. I've got to read the Longbow Hunters vol first though.

I've been wanting to write some stuff lately too, mostly Supes but I've had other ideas as well, plus I need to learn how to draw too :lol

I started with an outline and I was gonna use my minimate collection instead of drawings, but I got into the Physics department, and **** hit the fan. 3 months for 7 subjects, and we've had out books for one month. Semester Finals start January 20th, and so far I'm almost done with Physics. Now I have to fully learn C++, Fortran, 600 pg of Chemistry, 600pg of Calculus, 600 pg of Linear Algebra and 600 pg of Analytic Geometry. I'm telling you, our system's one of the worst in the world.

But I did have some pretty cool ideas about an Iron Man series. I'd create an Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship between Tony and Victor, have Richards as the completely Darwinistic Maker, throw in some transhumanism, deism and the like. It'd be a mix of Fraction's and Ellis' runs in tone.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I may check the trades at some point. I've got to read the Longbow Hunters vol first though.

I started with an outline and I was gonna use my minimate collection instead of drawings, but I got into the Physics department, and **** hit the fan. 3 months for 7 subjects, and we've had out books for one month. Semester Finals start January 20th, and so far I'm almost done with Physics. Now I have to fully learn C++, Fortran, 600 pg of Chemistry, 600pg of Calculus, 600 pg of Linear Algebra and 600 pg of Analytic Geometry. I'm telling you, our system's one of the worst in the world.

But I did have some pretty cool ideas about an Iron Man series. I'd create an Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship between Tony and Victor, have Richards as the completely Darwinistic Maker, throw in some transhumanism, deism and the like. It'd be a mix of Fraction's and Ellis' runs in tone.
What the hell are you studying? :lol computer engineering/sciences? I studied that and the first semesters they had me doing physics too, I found my love for conceptual physics there, can't remember any of the math though :lol

Oh yeah I remember you told me, and I would read the **** out of it, and yeah, definitely some transhumanism, and deism, wow, sounds great, DO ET!
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

What the hell are you studying? :lol computer engineering/sciences? I studied that and the first semesters they had me doing physics too, I found my love for conceptual physics there, can't remember any of the math though :lol

Well, here's the deal. You know how you get admitted to a college/university and then you choose your subjects? Well, here it's different. You can get only into one department, and then you can't choose your subjects, they're decided by the administration. I went into Physics, and for the first semester, I have all that. The first semester started this October, we got books towards the end of November, and the finals start towards the end of January. The second semester starts on February and ends June.

I'm probably going to fail most of them, truth be told. You need a 5/10 to pass the class, but the syllabus is so humongus there's no way I'm gonna make it. You can renew them and take them again in Septemeber though. If you fail again, you can keep re-taking them until you've completed all of them.

It's just a **** system, really. We do all that crap, and then we're forced to pick an extremely limited specialty, like say, radio signal analysis. Seriously, that's it. You spend the final year getting trained frequencies and all that. The broadest one is Quantum Physics, and you can add some programming if you want.

Seriously, I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. I'm just trying to get a passing grade in most subjects in order to move on, but in order to do that, I just skim through them and don't absorb the ones that truly interest me fully. It's a ****ed up situation and there's no way out. I just gotta suck it up and dance I guess. It feels like I'm trying to be Doom without the help from demonic entities or a comic book IQ of of 8 digits.

Oh yeah I remember you told me, and I would read the **** out of it, and yeah, definitely some transhumanism, and deism, wow, sounds great, DO ET!

I might give it a whirl. The problem is that I don't have the time for making sets, shooting scenes and whatnot, but just plain text is rather boring. Still, I might make a basic outline in just "book form" this Christmas, and then follow with some actual shots. Iron Man has tons of potential, but between Marvel being creatively bankrupt and the RDJ version being the only version, he's stuck being a less interesting Batman clone.

What did you have in mind about your Supes fan-fic?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Well, here's the deal. You know how you get admitted to a college/university and then you choose your subjects? Well, here it's different. You can get only into one department, and then you can't choose your subjects, they're decided by the administration. I went into Physics, and for the first semester, I have all that. The first semester started this October, we got books towards the end of November, and the finals start towards the end of January. The second semester starts on February and ends June.

I'm probably going to fail most of them, truth be told. You need a 5/10 to pass the class, but the syllabus is so humongus there's no way I'm gonna make it. You can renew them and take them again in Septemeber though. If you fail again, you can keep re-taking them until you've completed all of them.

It's just a **** system, really. We do all that crap, and then we're forced to pick an extremely limited specialty, like say, radio signal analysis. Seriously, that's it. You spend the final year getting trained frequencies and all that. The broadest one is Quantum Physics, and you can add some programming if you want.

Seriously, I don't know what the hell I'm doing here. I'm just trying to get a passing grade in most subjects in order to move on, but in order to do that, I just skim through them and don't absorb the ones that truly interest me fully. It's a ****ed up situation and there's no way out. I just gotta suck it up and dance I guess. It feels like I'm trying to be Doom without the help from demonic entities or a comic book IQ of of 8 digits.
That does kinda sound like a mess, so you're studying physics with a hint of programming? Interesting mix, what career path do you have in mind if you don't mind me asking?

You're studying quantum physics? Woah, that must be nice.

I might give it a whirl. The problem is that I don't have the time for making sets, shooting scenes and whatnot, but just plain text is rather boring. Still, I might make a basic outline in just "book form" this Christmas, and then follow with some actual shots. Iron Man has tons of potential, but between Marvel being creatively bankrupt and the RDJ version being the only version, he's stuck being a less interesting Batman clone.

What did you have in mind about your Supes fan-fic?
I'd start with a text outline and drawings like the One punch man dude tbh :lol


Oh I have a **** ton of ideas, ranging from a full DC cinematic treatment for all the main characters, but I think I'll ground it to a "pre-event" sort of story for Superman, it would be a character study, Silver Age power set, antagonist would be Mr Mxyzptlk's introduction; doing mischief, borrowing from some mind bending Vedic and Hindu teachings, everything that comes with quantum physics (omniverse, time dilation, etc etc) would be casually thrown in there by Mr Mxyzptlk because that's his bread and butter, it would end with either Mr Mx talking a liking to Supes AND/OR making a slight warning that there are powers in the universe he can't even imagine much lest hope to handle, hinting maybe to the Anti-monitor (if it's the movie version) or to a new character that would be a sort of Lovecraftian god.

Everything in between I have many passages and set pieces in mind, no conventional action though, no punching if I can help it.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Oh I have a **** ton of ideas, ranging from a full DC cinematic treatment for all the main characters, but I think I'll ground it to a "pre-event" sort of story for Superman, it would be a character study, Silver Age power set, antagonist would be Mr Mxyzptlk's introduction; doing mischief, borrowing from some mind bending Vedic and Hindu teachings, everything that comes with quantum physics (omniverse, time dilation, etc etc) would be casually thrown in there by Mr Mxyzptlk because that's his bread and butter, it would end with either Mr Mx talking a liking to Supes AND/OR making a slight warning that there are powers in the universe he can't even imagine much lest hope to handle, hinting maybe to the Anti-monitor (if it's the movie version) or to a new character that would be a sort of Lovecraftian god.

Everything in between I have many passages and set pieces in mind, no conventional action though, no punching if I can help it.

Who do you see playing Mr Mxyzptlk?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Who do you see playing Mr Mxyzptlk?

I have no ****ing clue, at first he would be a disembodied voice, but when he reveals himself it would have to be either a funny looking short dude, or short dude but nicely dressed, or a stylish regular height dude nicely dressed since he can present himself in any way because hes just projecting himself on our 3D view.

I need ideas for the casting.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I have no ****ing clue, at first he would be a disembodied voice, but when he reveals himself it would have to be either a funny looking short dude, or short dude but nicely dressed, or a stylish regular height dude nicely dressed since he can present himself in any way because hes just projecting himself on our 3D view.

I need ideas for the casting.

How about Charlie Day? He's in a show called It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and he was in Pacific Rim.

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

That does kinda sound like a mess, so you're studying physics with a hint of programming? Interesting mix, [...]

Well, the official name of what I'm studying is just "Physics", but it entails all of that. It's just that the syllabus is far too big for anyone. The grades of the September tests were posted last week, and from 150 kids, only about 30 passed. And to remind you, that was the second time they took it (in this case it was Linear Algebra & Analytic Geometry (that's one subject) and Calculus). 10 wrote above 7 in Calculus and 5 in LA&AG, and about 50 or so, in both cases, wrote from 0 to 3... It's pretty out there. Most people don't even finish their studies, just because it's so hard to juggle all of them.

Because, see, the problem isn't just that they're hard, it's that they are many, they are disconnected, and each subject has a huge syllabus. How do you realistically expect someone who got books around November 20th to get through ~4000pg of syllabus in two months?! Personally, I came up with a plan: My first priority is Physics, then Programming and then Calculus. Linear/Analytic & Chem I'll surely fail this time, but I'll hopefully pass them this September. Worst thing is, Chem isn't even in any other semester! It's just in the first! I'm forced to learn 600pg that I'll not even see again or expand upon!

You're studying quantum physics? Woah, that must be nice.

Not yet, Quantum Physics I is part of the 5th Semester, alongside Astronomy & Astrophysics. But I'm thinking of taking that as my specialty, considering that all the rest are pretty crap. The only ones worth it are this and nanotechnology, so I'll wait and see. It's why I'm trying to pay some attention to programming, in case I take that route.

It's all very interesting, but the system is just broken. And you know why? 'Cause the professors need to make that extra dough. It's a common secret that they seel their notes and the test's subjects days before the finals. Sometimes they ask sexual favors from attractive (usually female students). Other times they give greate grades to the kids from their circles. Nobody shys away from it, and it's just "normal" these days. A 60 yo will casually and bluntly say to the 20-something student "suck me or you'll never pass". It's sad, creepy and horrifying, but that's just it.

I mean, there's a reason say, Oxford has 4 years, and what we do in one semester in Physics and math, they do in one whole year, plus the added baggage we have. Just imagine it. We have a bigger syllabus than Oxford, despite being that much worse of a University. Now exactly why does something like that happen? To keep the side-cash flowing. It's all a giant scam. You race to get some meaningless degree (because a degree from here is meaningless in the US, England or what have you), you lose your time dallying with subjects you did not want to study in the first place, and to do that you don't pay the attention that is needed to the subjects you actually came to study!

[...] what career path do you have in mind if you don't mind me asking?

Dunno, really. There are no jobs here, so I'll surelybe forced to go elsewhere, probably the US, because it's more accepting. With that in mind, my choices are either a major in nanotechnology, which is mainly a way for you to get into engineering, advanced programming and whatnot, and a major in Quantum Physics and Astronomy/Astrophysics. I find the latter more interesting, but what exactly can you "do" with it? It's not like the world has a shortage of QPs, and the chances of being the next Einstein or Hawking are pretty slim. Even if you were the next one of them, you'd still have to beat all others to the clock, publish your findings, and then wait for recognition. And theoretical physicists rarely get that in their life-time, so what's the point?

On the other hand, the nanotech major is more "traditional", but even then, you're forced to choose an extremely isolated path. By that I mean that after you Finishyour Post-Grad, then you have three options, which is basically nanotech + something. The easiest way to mae some cash is to go for the engineering route, since a mix of physics, engineering and programming are the bread and butter of modern "inventors". It's easier to make a name for yourself in the tech industry rather than the "scientific" community.

Honestly, I just don't know. If I was loaded, I'd have left already, but I'm stuck here, and my options aren't many. Either I go with what I like and I find rather broad, or I go with what I think has more chances of being useful in the future, but at the same time, it's such a specialized area that I won't be able to compete with say, a full-on engineer, as I'll be a mix of three or so categories.

If you don't mind me asking, what are you studying?

I'd start with a text outline and drawings like the One punch man dude tbh :lol


I might do that. I actually had two ideas that I was interested indeveloping, an Iron Man one, and a Doctor Doom one. And I have some seeds for an X-Men one as well. In summary:

Spoiler Spoiler:

Oh I have a **** ton of ideas, ranging from a full DC cinematic treatment for all the main characters, but I think I'll ground it to a "pre-event" sort of story for Superman, it would be a character study, Silver Age power set, antagonist would be Mr Mxyzptlk's introduction; doing mischief, borrowing from some mind bending Vedic and Hindu teachings, everything that comes with quantum physics (omniverse, time dilation, etc etc) would be casually thrown in there by Mr Mxyzptlk because that's his bread and butter, it would end with either Mr Mx talking a liking to Supes AND/OR making a slight warning that there are powers in the universe he can't even imagine much lest hope to handle, hinting maybe to the Anti-monitor (if it's the movie version) or to a new character that would be a sort of Lovecraftian god.

Everything in between I have many passages and set pieces in mind, no conventional action though, no punching if I can help it.

That actually sounds really interesting. I'd love to see even just a basic outline of how you'd do your own Superman universe.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Spoiler Spoiler:

Great read, thanks for sharing!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to darthkostis again.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Well, the official name of what I'm studying is just "Physics".......

Because, see, the problem isn't just that they're hard, it's that they are many, they are disconnected..............

Not yet, Quantum Physics I is part of...................

It's all very interesting, but...............

I mean, there's a reason say..............
Holy crap, it really does sound broken, is education provided by the state? Or do you have to fully pay for it? Does it have to do with EU/Greece's economic situation? Or was education better at one point?

Dunno, really. There are no jobs here, so I'll surelybe forced to go elsewhere, probably the US, because it's more accepting....

On the other hand, the nanotech major is more "traditional", but even then, you're forced to choose an extremely isolated path...

Honestly, I just don't know. If I was loaded...
If you plan to be a researcher, an academic job in a given field of physics looks like a very achievable option, if you take a liking to programming, there's a **** ton of jobs everywhere, you'll find a job easily provided you're decent enough, IT jobs are easy to find because the demand is ****ing crazy man, of course, if you want a job at Google or Oracle then you do really need to study a lot.

If you don't mind me asking, what are you studying?
Computer engineering, that's what it's called, and in reality you can be a computer engineer if you want to, the program allows it, but I specialized more in software engineering/sciences, and I plan to specialize even more in databases, I often wonder if I should go into security or low level programming (cars, electronics, robots, Internet of Things), lots of jobs for that around the world too...

First 2 or 3 semesters I got Mechanics, Physics, Electromagnetism and other physics stuff, plus a lot of math subjects I don't remember (and that I haven't needed for software development so far but shhh they don't want you to know that :lol)

I might do that. I actually had two ideas that I was interested indeveloping, an Iron Man one, and a Doctor Doom one. And I have some seeds for an X-Men one as well. In summary:

Spoiler Spoiler:
Holy crap this is fantastic, It sounds like it would take you years to write but man you have to do it, wow.

This would need to be a trilogy :lol or at least a Netflix series.

That actually sounds really interesting. I'd love to see even just a basic outline of how you'd do your own Superman universe.
Thanks, I also have Supes grounded all the way to both his earth family and Krytpon family.

The costume would be classic, and it would be given to him by Jor-El (when Clark discovers the fortress), as an ambassador uniform, fabric so advanced it doesn't have texture or visible fibers, smooth AF, no panels, lines, nothing, just primary colors, like a renaissance garment, preferably undies, big S, roman style cape falling to the boots or shorter, haven't decided if boots, sandals (like golden age Supes) or even barefoot (at least for a little bit, in a "embrace the soil you're walking on as Ambassador" type deal). Light blue, vibrant red and yellow.

He wouldn't be roided out ripped, he'd be more barrel chested, still a big boi.

People of smallville know who he is but they keep the secret because they love him and he has done a lot for the town (believe it or not I thought of this like 2 years before Landis wrote it :lol)

And more details of the sort.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Great read, thanks for sharing!

Thanks, it means a lot to me!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to darthkostis again.


Holy crap, it really does sound broken, is education provided by the state? Or do you have to fully pay for it? Does it have to do with EU/Greece's economic situation? Or was education better at one point?

No, we don't pay tuition fees as of now, but that's for undergrand only. Post-Grad you have to pay something, depending on what subject you choose. But housing isn't provided, so you have to rent your own apartment. I lucked out and found a good one at 200 euros, but by adding the buss fare, food that I get from catering because I don't have the time or space to cook and whatnot, it comes to about 1k per month. It's not a lot compared to the stuff I hear from US-based students, but it's note completely free either.

As for the situation, nah, it was always like this. Hell, back then it was even worse. Now they seel their notes for 100 euros or so, back then they had them for 500! But the whole "**** me or you won't pass" the favourable treatment towards the kids of their circle and all that has been a constant since forever. It's just the way this place works, to be honest. The average joe gets stomped out, while the Top Guys suck them dry.

If you plan to be a researcher, an academic job in a given field of physics looks like a very achievable option, if you take a liking to programming, there's a **** ton of jobs everywhere, you'll find a job easily provided you're decent enough, IT jobs are easy to find because the demand is ****ing crazy man, of course, if you want a job at Google or Oracle then you do really need to study a lot.

To be honest, I'm still holding on to that "dream" you know? That you're gonna get this huge and innovative idea and go on to become the real life Tony Stark, or that you'll revolutionize physics, but to be fair, these aren't achievable for us normal joes. Apart from that, I really don't know. I've been stretched so thin due to the system, that I don't havethe time to focus on just one area and say "I like it". C++ I quite liked working with, so we'll see.

But, if I was being completely transparent, I'd say that what I want most is to be my own boss. Apart from that, I don't exactly know what career path to follow. Sure, it'd be nice if we could all have our own multi-billion dollar companies and skyscrapers, but yeah... The thing is, that, staying here and being just a physics professor, with a modest salary and a modest house isn't what I'm looking for either. Andwith the way things are going both here and in Europe, I'm thinking the US is the "safest" choice. It's a huge risk, but they're more accepting, and there's generally a bigger and more even playing field. I mean, alarms are going off all over, the attacks are starting again, and we've already been sorta-blacklisted, so I don't think there's much waiting for me at Germany or Britain.

The other thing that goes on in here is that most students become political to get some extra help. The bigger loudmouths here are obviously the far-left. Hell, they sneaked in at night and decorated the whole building the day Castro died. They even wrote poems and made collages. So, there's alway the option of going with a political group (we're a firmly right-wing family, but our right-wing is more like US' liberal one) and trying to make some friends to push you when you graduate. It's a fairly common strategy here, actually.

But yeah, like I said, I'm in a weird spot. Attacks all over, the economy's in shambles, countries are becoming more isolated eachday, and how can you realistically compete with the minds from Oxford and MIT, especially as a non-native? It's all a big ball of confusion right now.

Computer engineering, that's what it's called, and in reality you can be a computer engineer if you want to, the program allows it, but I specialized more in software engineering/sciences, and I plan to specialize even more in databases, I often wonder if I should go into security or low level programming (cars, electronics, robots, Internet of Things), lots of jobs for that around the world too...

First 2 or 3 semesters I got Mechanics, Physics, Electromagnetism and other physics stuff, plus a lot of math subjects I don't remember (and that I haven't needed for software development so far but shhh they don't want you to know that :lol)

That does actually sound like what I had in mind a while back. There's not exact department here, but such subjects mostly go hand in hand in our "Polytechnic" schools, which is just a fancy name for engineering. I may look into it as a Post-Grad, as it's similar to the nanotech one Thessaloniki's Physics Department has. Though to be fair, the best Unis right now are in Crete. I've got family there who got lucky and hangs with the "good people" of the island, and it's as if it's another country. Herakleion especially feels like a whole different place.

Holy crap this is fantastic, It sounds like it would take you years to write but man you have to do it, wow.

This would need to be a trilogy :lol or at least a Netflix series.

Even if I found the time, I still need to settle down on one, though I'm leaning towards Doom. There's so many times you can criticize the currentstate of humanity without turning into an edge-lord, and apart from that, corporate espionageand the like hasbeen covered pretty much everywhere.

Doom on the other hand allows me to explore some more interesting themes. I was thinking of making it feel like a horror movie where the jump scare never arrives, you know? Most folks tackle the paranormal as this dark and awful place filled with death and pain, but dunno, I always thought that if there was something more, it'd be a mix between Lovecraft and Gaiman. A lot of writers nowadays just take religious and supernatural bits and pieces, and produce mostly identical stories. Posessions, curses, all that jazz, which while scary, never really tell you anything.

But the thing is, Doom's both a scientist and a sorcerer. There's a great quote from Ultimate Doom, where he says that "science is an art, not a system" and it got me thinking. How does a man of science approach something as abstract as magic? Unless, of course, "magic" is just another art. The runes and letters are just different "SI" units. Or different colour combinations that you'll use for your painting. So I started exploring a "unified theory" as the core aspect of such a story. It's just that to me, science and spirituality never really clashed, as I was always a "the truth is somewhere in the middle" kind of guy, so it was easy to "see" things from Doom's (albeit fictional) POV.

Anyway, besides all that, my European/Balkan knowledge is significantly higher than my US one, so I'd be able to make such a story feel more real. Local folklore, ancient history of the lands, and essentially just a more well rounded background. Apart from that, it's just that a Doom book allows more freedom. You can explore politics, technology, existentialism, futurism, philosophy, all of that.

But I don't think I'll tackle that just yet. I've done my fair bit of research, but I'd like to get caught-up with my philosophy/metaphysical reading. Sure, an online fan-fic is of no consequence, but I'd feel better if it had actual valid points and wasn't just your run of the mill "here's my favourite character doing bad-ass things with some buzzwords thrown in there to seem mature". I might start with notes, and eventually turn it into a script. I used to write screenplays for some stop-motions I wanted to do, but it turns out just one guy with no prior experience can't do all that I was planning one doing.

Thanks, I also have Supes grounded all the way to both his earth family and Krytpon family.

The costume would be classic, and it would be given to him by Jor-El (when Clark discovers the fortress), as an ambassador uniform, fabric so advanced it doesn't have texture or visible fibers, smooth AF, no panels, lines, nothing, just primary colors, like a renaissance garment, preferably undies, big S, roman style cape falling to the boots or shorter, haven't decided if boots, sandals (like golden age Supes) or even barefoot (at least for a little bit, in a "embrace the soil you're walking on as Ambassador" type deal). Light blue, vibrant red and yellow.

He wouldn't be roided out ripped, he'd be more barrel chested, still a big boi.

People of smallville know who he is but they keep the secret because they love him and he has done a lot for the town (believe it or not I thought of this like 2 years before Landis wrote it :lol)

And more details of the sort.

That sounds like the perfect balance between realism and classic comic book-iness, actually. See, that's why 8/10, fan-fics are better than actual books, at least right now. The fans know the core aspects of every character and know howto make a story both fit-in, and be fresh and unique. The only thing I'd object to is the barefoot thing, 'cause I hate such costumes. Dunno why, but feet bug me. Same goes for when Wonder Woman is redesigned with sandals. I know they're accurate, and I prefer the Greco-Roman armour to the tights, but I can't stand sandals. Boots all the way, everyday!
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

No, we don't pay tuition fees as of now,...

As for the situation, nah, it was always like this....

To be honest, I'm still holding on to ...

But, if I was being completely transparent, I'd say....

The other thing that goes on in here is that most students ...

But yeah, like I said, I'm in a weird spot...

That does actually sound like what I had in mind a while back. There's not exact department here, but such subjects mostly go hand in hand in our "Polytechnic" schools, which is just a fancy name for engineering. I may look into it as a Post-Grad, as it's similar to the nanotech one Thessaloniki's Physics Department has. Though to be fair, the best Unis right now are in Crete. I've got family there who got lucky and hangs with the "good people" of the island, and it's as if it's another country. Herakleion especially feels like a whole different place.
Damn, and I thought things were **** here in Mexico, you're actually making Mexico sound like a politically and economically healthy country :lol

If you decide to go for computer stuff, the fantastic thing about that, is that you can literally learn up to the most specialized knowledge on the internet for free, seriously, everything you need to be a complete, professional-level developer is on the web, I've been on a new job for about 2 months now (my first job as a developer), and I've learned more these 2 months about coding than I've learned in 3 years of school, and all the training they've given me so far is online, free stuff :lol all the documentation's there, tutorials, everything I needed is there, the only thing I want my title for, at this point, is just for the paper that "certifies" me that will probably mean nothing once I have years of experience.

Even if I found the time, I still need to settle down on one, though I'm leaning towards Doom. There's so many times you can criticize the currentstate of humanity without turning into an edge-lord, and apart from that, corporate espionageand the like hasbeen covered pretty much everywhere.

Doom on the other hand allows ....
Yeah sound like you'd be better off starting with the Book of Doom, and please yes, Lovecraftian stuff, I finally started reading it and I love it as much as I thought I would.

Doom is the same for me, I don't know anything of him, but I know if I knew him I'd like him a lot.

I think sorcerer and scientist, magic and science; are the same thing, I read somewhere once, that science is primitive magic, and like Arthur C Clarke said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", which isn't the same thing as lowering magic into sci-fi like MCU Thor did.

I imagine magic in the same vein as what a creation god uses when he creates, he's aware of everything involved in the process, physics-wise, from quarks and smaller things we don't know about, to things above our comprehension like stuff outside the observable universe, dimensions above the third, imaginary time, etc etc that's incomprehensible to us, this god is always aware of that, say this god creates a magic wand, that looks like a stick or branch, but it's actual technology, or a miracle machine that grants wishes, and but they're actual divine algorithms, that would be magic to us, say a human being stumbles into some magic words that spoken backwards they trigger something, but what if they have to be spoken backwards because they are commands programmed by a being that lives and perceives time backwards? That is magic.

But I don't have to tell you that, seems like you have a firm grasp on these concepts.

We should make starting our books part of our next year's resolution, on our free time and windows that we have.

That sounds like the perfect balance between realism and classic comic book-iness, actually. See, that's why 8/10, fan-fics are better than actual books, at least right now. The fans know the core aspects of every character and know howto make a story both fit-in, and be fresh and unique. The only thing I'd object to is the barefoot thing, 'cause I hate such costumes. Dunno why, but feet bug me. Same goes for when Wonder Woman is redesigned with sandals. I know they're accurate, and I prefer the Greco-Roman armour to the tights, but I can't stand sandals. Boots all the way, everyday!

y u hatin on feet bro?

Spoiler Spoiler:

I got the idea from Atlas, doesn't have anything to do with him, character-wise, I just like the look, it would be just for a little while though, probably not even in it, maybe I'll save it for Aquaman.


I think I'll got for boots with a slight heel, if I go for sandals I'll go for the ones that have some fabric underneath so I can have the red in there.

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Damn, and I thought things were **** here in Mexico, you're actually making Mexico sound like a politically and economically healthy country :lol

If you decide to go for computer stuff, the fantastic thing about that, is that you can literally learn up to the most specialized knowledge on the internet for free, seriously, everything you need to be a complete, professional-level developer is on the web, I've been on a new job for about 2 months now (my first job as a developer), and I've learned more these 2 months about coding than I've learned in 3 years of school, and all the training they've given me so far is online, free stuff :lol all the documentation's there, tutorials, everything I needed is there, the only thing I want my title for, at this point, is just for the paper that "certifies" me that will probably mean nothing once I have years of experience.

Yeah, I actually joined CodeAcademy a few years back and started with HTML. To be fair, the information about pretty much anything and everything is out there, you just need to (a) find it & (b) understand which one is ******** and which one is legit. There's a really great site called "PhysicsForums" that I found, and apart from being a general science forum, they have a special Homework Help section, where you post the statement, yout attempt at a solution, and they help point you to the right direction. As someone who's just starting to use the english names and terms, it's been of tremendous help.

EDIT: Turns out, they just added 3 more chapters to the Physics syllabus! Around 100 pages or so. Days before the finals.


Yeah sound like you'd be better off starting with the Book of Doom, and please yes, Lovecraftian stuff, I finally started reading it and I love it as much as I thought I would.

Doom is the same for me, I don't know anything of him, but I know if I knew him I'd like him a lot.

I think sorcerer and scientist, magic and science; are the same thing, I read somewhere once, that science is primitive magic, and like Arthur C Clarke said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", which isn't the same thing as lowering magic into sci-fi like MCU Thor did.

I imagine magic in the same vein as what a creation god uses when he creates, he's aware of everything involved in the process, physics-wise, from quarks and smaller things we don't know about, to things above our comprehension like stuff outside the observable universe, dimensions above the third, imaginary time, etc etc that's incomprehensible to us, this god is always aware of that, say this god creates a magic wand, that looks like a stick or branch, but it's actual technology, or a miracle machine that grants wishes, and but they're actual divine algorithms, that would be magic to us, say a human being stumbles into some magic words that spoken backwards they trigger something, but what if they have to be spoken backwards because they are commands programmed by a being that lives and perceives time backwards? That is magic.

But I don't have to tell you that, seems like you have a firm grasp on these concepts.

In my mind, "magic" would be more similar to the OT Force, than anything. You see all those films and tv series, and magic is alway broken bones and creepy women, or human sacrifices and all that nasty stuff, but it never really made that much sense to me. I mean, if you've got a multidimensional being out there, I doubt it's gonna care whether you're offering it the carcass of a young virgin drowned in chicken's blood. So I figured I'd take a different approach, ala Star Wars. The "magic" is still there, and it's undoubtedly something more than just the material world, but it doesn't cross over to loony-territory.

So generally, Doom would be the guy who understands it for what it is, and the reason he's so good at it, is because he's able to actually get to the bottom of it. And I think it'd make for a nice clash between ideologies. To the hard-core scientific community he'd be a superstitious lunatic, and to the wizards and witches he'd be a poseur. So I'd generally approach him as a Grey Jedi if anything, with him leaning more towards the "Dark Side".

One thing that I'd like to expand upon is his sense of hmour, to tell you the truth. It's canon that he has a variation of "All you need is Love" playing in the dungeons:


And there are many instances where he's a sarcastic troll, especially towards the F4. He's not the type of guy to crack jokes, but he's no Darth Vader who lives and dies by the mission. Beneath the mask, he's very much still human. He enjoys good cuisine, music, he paints in his free time, he plays the piano, he fantasizes about having Emma Frost in his dungeons, he takes trips to the times of King Arthur to bone Morgan Le Fay, you know, normal guy stuff...

The only problem I have is that you can't really give him a friendly supporting cast without massively altering the character. The closest thing he's had to friends over the years have been Namor, Loki, and depending on the ocassion Iron Man, with mutual feelings of respect towards Magneto. I havesomething in mind, but it's still ways off.

We should make starting our books part of our next year's resolution, on our free time and windows that we have.

If I'm not dead by exhaustion by then, I'll surely try to work on it. A healthy hobby is at least good for your well-being. Hell, I don't even have time to read my subs anymore. I get my comics once a month, and for two months now I haven't even touched them. Customization is a really big no-no as well.

y u hatin on feet bro?

Spoiler Spoiler:

Spoiler Spoiler:

I got the idea from Atlas, doesn't have anything to do with him, character-wise, I just like the look, it would be just for a little while though, probably not even in it, maybe I'll save it for Aquaman.


I think I'll got for boots with a slight heel, if I go for sandals I'll go for the ones that have some fabric underneath so I can have the red in there.


In either case, it would be a new addition, so at least it'd set the look apart. But I always was and will be in the "boots" camp, not matter the character. I just find those knee-high "boots" really cool-looking, be they on Batman, Iron Man (it's more a look than an actual boot, but you get the point) or whatever.