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Nice shot of the trio... Horrible news for that owner that broke.
How heavy is WW compared to bats and supes?

I'm sure their body weight is not too different with Bats obviously being bigger. However, Bats and Supes have the additional capes which are solid and then of course Batman has the gigantic base which is solid. I'm not thrilled that Wondy's base is hollow, but given how much Bats cost to ship to Australia it would've cost me a fortune if Wondy's base was solid polystone.

Speaking of, I doubt her base is polystone, I suspect it's just resin.
yep..not all of us can turn on the airconditioner 24/7 :)


What are you, poor?

I'm not rich, but I live in Florida, it's a tropical climate. So for 10 months out of the year it's either run the A/C or die of heat exhaustion. Besides, it's not too difficult to keep a house between 75 and 80 degrees. Well at least not in the US.
yep! im not probably as rich as you..and arrogant :)
minus 26 degrees at my house right now and thats about 10 degrees warmer than it has been for the last week. Might get up into the 20's this weekend :lol
i live in the middle east so ..... in summer it's a billion degress here, but so far I never had a problem with the Sideshow statues
some of my PVC statues melted :/ like the hair or specific parts, but like 90% of them are 100% good.

on the other hand I do have the AC running in summer about 60% of it