Premium Format Wonder Woman Premium Format

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Finally saw this at my lcs and it friggin rocks. Her face is awesome. My only complaint was the sloppy paints around the fingers holding the spear. She really did turn out fantastic though.
My final flex pay will go through for the exclusive Monday morning at this point and then she is supposed to ship out. I ordered in mid May.

I'm really looking forward to getting her in.

I'm also excited to see what Spazzy comes up with for her. A sword to replace the spear would mean the axe goes back in the box and the shield would be displayed pretty much forever.

so a sword to replace her spear on her right hand? that would only mean she is pointing her new sword outward toward her right? if so, that would be cool but also takes more space than the current design toward her right and somewhat redundant due to the sword on the base as well.
so a sword to replace her spear on her right hand? that would only mean she is pointing her new sword outward toward her right? if so, that would be cool but also takes more space than the current design toward her right and somewhat redundant due to the sword on the base as well.

I think a long handled axe across the shoulder would look cool...


but it may look odd considering the outstretched arm.

I'd like a custom left hand holding a sword, I always picture WW holding this sword. :D

i cant imagine any other pose for that outstretched arm so im excited to see what the customizers plan on doing :)