Would you guys like more 1/4 scale comiquettes?

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Would you guys like to see more 1/4 scale comiquettes?

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This is a bit misleading. You also have PFs that are available and in stock as well. You can basically get on the waitlist or have in stock, any PF you want but Wolverine and Gambit of the recent releases.

I agree with you on the A-listers selling out no matter what, but I think I am going to disagree with you on MOST PF's being in stock...sure, they may become available for a short time if you are on the wait list or right after release, but they don't sit in the warehouse as long as some of Sideshow's other items (dios, LSB, 1/5th).

The only ones sitting available are Black Panther (C list), Sabertooth (surprises me), and She-Hulk (how many She-Hulks do fans need?). While people can probably still snag a Bucky Captain America or Black Cat, I have a strong feeling that people will not be able to get Cyclops or Rogue off the wait list for long.

I know that Ms. Marvel EX was only available for a short time and that WL aren't converting anymore.

...Flat out they have proven they just don't care. Either because it's good business practice for them or apathy.
Again, I think this is going to bite them in the ass because they are collector driven and they can alienate/ignore fans for so long before fans find other places to do business. I know that as I have cut back on Sideshow preorders I have purchased more Hot Toys; I gotta give Hot Toys and Bowen credit for listening to their fans.
I promise you that if SSC releases a popular character with a strong sculpt, SSC will have no problems selling out the piece even at 1/5 scale. If SSC releases a classic Cap or Thor at 1/5 scale it WILL sell out.

True, at 1/5 scale a well known character may sell well but at 1/4 scale it will sell even better. I'm still amazed Daredevil Ex com is back in stock, I thought of any of the recent 1/5 scale pieces he would not go back for 2nd chance and now low quantity meter either.
The list of In Stock Pfs is not short either:

She-Hulk Marvel Premium Format
Black Panther Marvel Premium Format
Maleficent Disney Premium Format
Rocketeer Disney Premium Format
Sabretooth Marvel Premium Format
Undying Carcass The Dead Premium Format
Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight Star Wars Premium Format
Dastan Prince of Persia Premium Format
Wyatt Earp Six Gun Legends Premium Format
Rambo Premium Format
Indiana Jones - The Temple of Doom Premium Format
Mola Ram Indiana Jones Premium Format
Blackbeard Live by the Sword Premium Format
Vlad the Impaler Live by the Sword Premium Format
Clone Trooper Star Wars Premium Format
Aurra Sing Star Wars Premium Format
Hitman Premium Format
Leonidas 300 Premium Format

And many of them are rather popular characters :dunno
The list of In Stock Pfs is not short either:

She-Hulk Marvel Premium Format
Black Panther Marvel Premium Format
Maleficent Disney Premium Format
Rocketeer Disney Premium Format
Sabretooth Marvel Premium Format
Undying Carcass The Dead Premium Format
Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight Star Wars Premium Format
Dastan Prince of Persia Premium Format
Wyatt Earp Six Gun Legends Premium Format
Rambo Premium Format
Indiana Jones - The Temple of Doom Premium Format
Mola Ram Indiana Jones Premium Format
Blackbeard Live by the Sword Premium Format
Vlad the Impaler Live by the Sword Premium Format
Clone Trooper Star Wars Premium Format
Aurra Sing Star Wars Premium Format
Hitman Premium Format
Leonidas 300 Premium Format

And many of them are rather popular characters :dunno

rambo is one of the worst sculpts I've seen
black panther, she hulk and sabretooth haven't caught on yet
hitman is pure blah
blackbeard, dastan & wyatt earp...who cares
if leonidas came with the helmet on the reg, it would be sold out
vlad is too obscure
the dead PFs are super niche market
star wars anything is beyond saturated
sideshow isn't pushing the disney line hard enough to sell anything
rambo is one of the worst sculpts I've seen
black panther, she hulk and sabretooth haven't caught on yet
hitman is pure blah
blackbeard, dastan & wyatt earp...who cares
if leonidas came with the helmet on the reg, it would be sold out
vlad is too obscure
the dead PFs are super niche market
star wars anything is beyond saturated
sideshow isn't pushing the disney line hard enough to sell anything

What about Indiana Jones or Mola Ram?:pfft:

PopCultureShock have some items that takes time to sell as well. But hey, I don't have issue with scales. I prefer quality, like the 1st X-Men vs Sentinel Ex, Hulk vs Spiderman Ex. Sadly, its beyond my reach.
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I would like the coms to be 1/4 scale consistently, but I think it's more important to not take "artistic license" so far that it ruins what should be a home-run piece like Jedi Luke, Colossus, and others.
What about Indiana Jones or Mola Ram?:pfft:

Not sure about others but I passed on Indy because there were already the ROTLA and Last Crusade PFs out there. Mola Ram I had no interest in.

Should only look at the Marvel front tho, once you get out of that you get into the problem of comparing the popularity of all the different genres with each other.
I actually want another Ghost Rider piece. The Maquettes I think will be unbeatable, BUT they were so well done that I want more. (I didn't care for the Throne.)
premium format forever!!!!

Death to comicquettes!!!!!

:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

Thread closed. :lol

Funny how Darklord Dave voted "No". Must be a mistake? Hahhahahahhahahhaa :lol

This raises the possibilities of how flawed this poll is. What if people like 1/4 PF and not 1/4 Comiquette all together? What if people want all 1/4 Comiquette and get ride of all 1/4 Pajama PF? Hmmm, by the devil imbued in me, this could be why those "Yes" got so much counts!
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The list of In Stock Pfs is not short either:

She-Hulk Marvel Premium Format
Black Panther Marvel Premium Format
Maleficent Disney Premium Format
Rocketeer Disney Premium Format
Sabretooth Marvel Premium Format
Undying Carcass The Dead Premium Format
Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight Star Wars Premium Format
Dastan Prince of Persia Premium Format
Wyatt Earp Six Gun Legends Premium Format
Rambo Premium Format
Indiana Jones - The Temple of Doom Premium Format
Mola Ram Indiana Jones Premium Format
Blackbeard Live by the Sword Premium Format
Vlad the Impaler Live by the Sword Premium Format
Clone Trooper Star Wars Premium Format
Aurra Sing Star Wars Premium Format
Hitman Premium Format
Leonidas 300 Premium Format

And many of them are rather popular characters :dunno

Exactly. Scale is not the main reason a statue doesn't sell out. Character, sculpt, price,and paint apps all come before scale for me. Hulk is an A list character. The Punisher is not. He is B list all the way. Yet both are sold out. The Punisher even had a 1/4 scale PF already on the market by SSC. Logic here would dictate that the Punisher com should still be in stock. It sold out even with the 1/5 scale because the sculpt is killer good. Most of the people here that go with the "1/4 scale or fail mentality" even own both the Hulk and Punisher coms. I've seen them post pics. They couldn't resist even though they were 1/5 scale.

I hate to burst anyones bubble here but there are many collectors that will buy a great looking 1/5 statue. Anyone who hates cloth/spandex on their statues has no choice but to buy coms. That's the reason I buy them. I won't purchase a PF. What are collectors like me left with? When do you think SSC will make 1/4 scale sculpts of ALL the coms I already have? Not gonna happen. So, I and many like me are resigned to collecting coms that are 1/5 scale. SSC screwed the pooch on this one. The scale should have been uniform from the start.

The list of In Stock Pfs is not short either:
She-Hulk Marvel Premium Format
Black Panther Marvel Premium Format
Sabretooth Marvel Premium Format
Maleficent Disney Premium Format
Rocketeer Disney Premium Format
Undying Carcass The Dead Premium Format
Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight Star Wars Premium Format
Dastan Prince of Persia Premium Format
Wyatt Earp Six Gun Legends Premium Format
Rambo Premium Format
Indiana Jones - The Temple of Doom Premium Format
Mola Ram Indiana Jones Premium Format
Blackbeard Live by the Sword Premium Format
Vlad the Impaler Live by the Sword Premium Format
Clone Trooper Star Wars Premium Format
Aurra Sing Star Wars Premium Format
Hitman Premium Format
Leonidas 300 Premium Format

And many of them are rather popular characters :dunno

Most of your list is completely irrelevant to this thread. Other than the Marvel and LotR characters, no other line is divided between 1/5th and 1/4th so all of the other PFs you listed don't matter. Once I shrink the size of the irrelevant statues, it puts it into perspective. Sabertooth surprises me, there is already a She-Hulk comiquette, and Black Panther simply is a C/B list character who hasn't caught on; all three of them are amazing sculpts.

...important to not take "artistic license" so far that it ruins what should be a home-run piece like Colossus...
Colossus is one of the three worst Sideshow Marvel statues released. Whomever in their art department gave the thumbs up for it to go into production failed on every level: 1/5th = fail, sculpt = fail, EX human head w/ metal arms = fail, robot head = fail...it is up there with Emma Frost PF for artistic-direction flops.
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I voted "yes." I like comiquettes. More than PFs? Depends. The first Captain America PF is just about flawless, IMO. Loved Thor and Hulk too.

On the other hand, I really liked the new Venom and Spidey comiquettes. Both are win-win, IMO.
Most of your list is completely irrelevant to this thread. Other than the Marvel and LotR characters, no other line is divided between 1/5th and 1/4th so all of the other PFs you listed don't matter. Once I shrink the size of the irrelevant statues, it puts it into perspective. Sabertooth surprises me, there is already a She-Hulk comiquette, and Black Panther simply is a C/B list character who hasn't caught on; all three of them are amazing sculpts.

Colossus is one of the three worst Sideshow Marvel statues released. Whomever in their art department gave the thumbs up for it to go into production failed on every level: 1/5th = fail, sculpt = fail, EX human head w/ metal arms = fail, robot head = fail...it is up there with Emma Frost PF for artistic-direction flops.

Well Kibishii, let's look at the whole pie. If I remember correctly, SSC released a slew of comiquettes since Nov of last year. That I can remember: Silver Surfer, Hulk, Spiderman, Thanos, Punisher, DD, Bullseye, Colossus, Venom Dino, Hulk Buster, Venom, Carnage and Night Crawler. That's a hell of a lot of coms. Most of these were 1/5 scale.

For Marvel PFs released around the same time, we had: Black Cat, Gambit, Wolverine, Ms Marvel, She Hulk, Black Panther and Sabretooth.

It would only be logical to have more coms be in stock. The sheer number of com releases dictate it. It's almost a 2 to 1 ratio.

In stock PFs: She Hulk, Black Panther, and Sabretooth.

In stock coms: Bullseye, DD, Nightcrawler, Hulk Buster, Venom Dino and Colossus. I'm leaving out Namor because he is 1/4 scale.
Also, Bullseye, Hulk Buster, and Venom Dino are nowhere near A list characters.

After all that, it doesn't seem to be as bad as people make it out to be. One last thing. Colossus and Bullseye wouldn't even have sold out at 1/4 scale. Colossus's face and Bullseye entire sculpt were off. Scale couldn't save those pieces.
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Colossus is one of the three worst Sideshow Marvel statues released. Whomever in their art department gave the thumbs up for it to go into production failed on every level: 1/5th = fail, sculpt = fail, EX human head w/ metal arms = fail, robot head = fail...it is up there with Emma Frost PF for artistic-direction flops.

YES! 1000% YES! The art dept must have been high when they signed off on those pieces.:exactly:
Well Kibishii, let's look at the whole pie. If I remember correctly, SSC released a slew of comiquettes since Nov of last year. That I can remember: Silver Surfer 1/4, Hulk, Spiderman 1/4, Thanos, Punisher, DD, Bullseye, Colossus, Venom Dino, Hulk Buster, Venom 1/4, Carnage 1/4 and Night Crawler. That's a hell of a lot of coms. Most of these were 1/5 scale.

For Marvel PFs released around the same time, we had: Black Cat, Gambit, Wolverine, Ms Marvel, She Hulk, Black Panther and Sabretooth.

In stock PFs: She Hulk, Black Panther, and Sabretooth.
In stock coms: Bullseye, DD, Nightcrawler, Hulk Buster, Venom Dino, Colossus, Namor 1/4.
Of the comiquettes you listed, Silver Surfer, Venom, Spiderman, and Carnage were all 1/4th and SOLD OUT. Out of the remaining comiquettes only Thanos, Hulk, and Punisher sold out. After removing the 1/4th comiquettes that sold, it is clear that 1/4 scale items simply sell much better.

After all that, it doesn't seem to be as bad as people make it out to be. One last thing. Colossus and Bullseye wouldn't even have sold out at 1/4 scale. Colossus's face and Bullseye entire sculpt were off. Scale couldn't save those pieces.
This is a fact. :lecture
Of the comiquettes you listed, Silver Surfer, Venom, Spiderman, and Carnage were all 1/4th and SOLD OUT. Out of the remaining comiquettes only Thanos, Hulk, and Punisher sold out. After removing the 1/4th comiquettes that sold, it is clear that 1/4 scale items simply sell much better.

Surfer was in stock and sold out. Carnage as well. Venom even went up as a second chance. Only Spidey sold out if I remember correctly. He also had all kinds of QC issues which made it a harder find.

Lets face it, the coms that are left are not very popular characters. Only DD would be considered a suprise out of that list. I believe he will eventually sell out. It's just an awesome statue. It'll just take awhile like it did for Surfer and Carnage.

Besides Colossus and Nightcrawler, most of the other characters no one really cares enough about.