Nah, it was a great scene. Not mind-blowin' but still great.I thought Tom Hanks' final scene in that movie to be a bit overrated
The rest of the film, on the other hand... Poopoo.
Nah, it was a great scene. Not mind-blowin' but still great.I thought Tom Hanks' final scene in that movie to be a bit overrated
I just had a change of heart, the Civil War Super Bowl spots was much much better
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I think X Men will be a better film than Civil War, but CW will have better action. I always find the X Men films more interesting than the Marvel/Disney films. They also have better characters, better themes, and story...but they lack great action. As far as the bad looking cgi in the trailer, the same happened with the future scenes from DOFP. I remember people saying that the future scenes looked like Mortal Kombat Annihilation, but after all that criticism, the film was great. I'm surprised there's so much destruction in this X MEN film. Who or what is causing it?
I think X Men will be a better film than Civil War, but CW will have better action. I always find the X Men films more interesting than the Marvel/Disney films. They also have better characters, better themes, and story...but they lack great action. As far as the bad looking cgi in the trailer, the same happened with the future scenes from DOFP. I remember people saying that the future scenes looked like Mortal Kombat Annihilation, but after all that criticism, the film was great. I'm surprised there's so much destruction in this X MEN film. Who or what is causing it?
I will say, I thought Tom Hanks' final scene in that movie to be a bit overrated
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Yep. Some of the most realistic acting I've seen.That scene made the rest of the film worthwhile.
Nah, it was a great scene. Not mind-blowin' but still great.
The rest of the film, on the other hand... Poopoo.
That's not phoned in, that's her trying
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Her choke face already made this the best cbm of 2016.
If she was a young boy, Singer prolly would have directed her better.
XIII was just not good enough but it didn't f'up the foX-men.I can ignore it since the series has had worse **** ups (X3, Origins)
Sure. Twenty years after FC and they pretty much look exactly the same. Although, I can ignore it since the series has had worse **** ups (X3, Origins)
But it was mentioned in one of the films that Mystique ages really slow IIRC.
XIII was just not good enough but it didn't f'up the foX-men.
DoFP was made only because producers couldn't understand WTF they're doin' with this series.
So after this trilogy has finish I'm presuming the next X-Men movies will essentially be a reboot as the story will pick up at the time of the original X-Men 2000 movie?
Anybody annoyed how DOFP screwed up the timelines, so now I guess the FC characters exist in modern time now with a younger Mystique and Fassbender Magneto
So every new film is about that cast
XIII was just not good enough but it didn't f'up the foX-men.
DoFP was made only because producers couldn't understand WTF they're doin' with this series.
"First Class" was a reboot.
Then they've released "The Wolverine" which was set in the original continuity and f' it up.
Then they've released a "kinda reboot" film in the FC continuity with actors from original continuity to "make it official".
X-Men (2000) => X2 => The Last Stand => The Wolverine
First Class => Days of Future Past => Apocalypse
"Origins: Wolverine" is a mistake and so far we don't know where "Deadpool" fits.