Jennifer Lawrence always plays the same role too. I never feel any difference between any of her roles.
She's one of those actors that never ever changes. She's either quiet and calm or yelling and freaking out in every movie she does.
You mofos are going to turn me off J-Law just like you made me turn against Joss Whedon aren't you.
That's the Internet, if you can't have it, then it sucks
Looks like we have opposite taste in movies Bane
I didn't like this trailer and you like it, I loved all the other trailers for the the previous films and you hated them
I watched the trailer again and it wasn't too bad, I guess the problem was, it didn't have much new footage and that damn Coldplay song just didn't fit![]()
I used to think she was hot but those nudes were disappointing as hell. Her ****s were nowhere near what I thought they were going to be.
Most average chick in Hollywood.
I would expect a post like this to be followed up by pics of what you are currently banging. And no, nobody wants to see hands.
I used to think she was hot but those nudes were disappointing as hell. Her ****s were nowhere near what I thought they were going to be.
Most average chick in Hollywood.
lol white knighting. How many cycles of steroids did Hemsworth to look like Thor? The thick soles of Stallone's shoes so he doesn't look short. How bald is Travolta and Cage? Everyone is fake in Hollywood. And it is all done to entertain us.
There's always a hypothetical hotter girl out there somewhere. Therefore we should deem none sufficiently attractive!
Hollywood average. Real world she's a 8 1/2.Anyone who thinks that J. Law has "an average body" really needs to give the superhero movies a break and go take a look at some women in the real world for a change. More than 68% of all adults in the United States are considered overweight or obese and she's just one of the crowd? Please.