Well, that's good! If I recall correctly, Mystique did a pretty good job as a leader in Days of Future Past, and it seems natural for her to take on a leading role after her arc in that film. Plus, since she can change to make herself anything, she probably is the best to co-lead along with Beast.
Do you really think she's that bad of a character? My reasons against her was because I was probably just being a stupid fan who wanted other characters to be fleshed out. I think she's one of the best characters along with Magneto, Wolverine, and Xavier. I prefer her to other women who have played superheroes in the X-Men movies and the MCU. She has more gravitas than Halle Berry, Scarlett Johannsen, and the actresses who played Maria Hill, and Sharon Carter.
That's good that we have different opinions. I was getting really sick and tired of agreeing with you on everything back in the day.
I love reading your thoughts, so yeah, definitely let me know what you think!
Robert Downey Jr. was definitely more grounded in his performance in the first movie. It probably helped because it was mostly ad-lib and he was still building himself up at that time. He's still way more witty than me!
I see where your coming from with Chris Evans, but that's why I like him. He doesn't have much gravitas, but I just like the down-to-earth nature of his character. I even like the corny lines. I guess he's kind of my Christopher Reeve, which I know is blasphemy for some, but I really don't like Superman, so Reeve's performance just comes off as being ridiculous to me. I love Gene Hackman though. My favorite scene in the movie is when Ms. Tessmacker asks Luthor about her mom being safe from the explosion, and him nodding his head as he looked at his watch. I'm not doing the best job at describing the scene, but I loved it.

I remember you saying that the Falcon role was better than what Mackie delivered, and I can definitely agree on that. I don't think anyone was very good acting wise outside of Chris Evans and I guess Robert Redford (I don't know if his performance was really that good. It's just...it's Robert Redford

) Thinking about it, I now understand the complaint about Katie Holmes in Batman Begins. It's a very ABC family performance, and that's how I felt about everyone in the Winter Soldier, which is why I didn't enjoy that movie at first.
I enjoyed the first Captain America film much more upon finally watching the whole thing last year, but I agree. If you take it as pulpy fun in the same vain as the Rocketeer, I think it's more enjoyable. I wish we would have gotten a harder war movie that sent a kid Bucky to slice some Nazi's necks and such, but what are you going to do? Maybe they tried to make it more fanciful with the Hydra stuff because they thought it might trivialize those who suffered in the war or the many heroes' accomplishments. I still love the Steve and Peggy relationship. It might have been corn-ball, but I thought it was sweet. I remember when you were saying it was crazy for anyone to put that movie above First Class, and I guess I am crazy because I would based on that relationship!

I also thought all the war bonds stuff was great too. I don't know...now you got me thinking about that movie, and I just love MCU Steve Rogers!
So yep! We are on different wave-lengths!