I guess were getting a modernized, no giant blue guy with a giant "A" belt buckle version.
Oscar Isaac just got cast as Apocalypse!
‘X-Men: Apocalypse’: Oscar Isaac Nabs Villain Role | Variety
I think it's a good choice. He could be like Xerxes in the 300 mutating from a normal Middle Eastern human to a giant with blue skin a wacky mouth, red eyes and armor. Then he can become technorganic in the modern era.
I'm more interested in the casting of Cyclops, Jean, and Storm. Quicksilver is already confirmed to return. I really hope they do Warren Worthington Angel (later transformed into Archangel) and are able to throw in some more ringers like Iceman, Polaris, Psylocke and Nightcrawler. Depending on Cyclops's relationship to Havok (brother, son, nephew), maybe they can even bring that character back or have a second version. Since everything was essentially retconned to flush the Ratner version they can bend the rules a little more to fill out the roster. I am dreading Channing Tatum as Gambit.
I wouldn't be surprised if Marvel Studios doesn't even have a script for Strange at this point.he's turned down Marvel Studios for the Doctor Strange role, so he's not hurting for work. He must have seen something in this script that he can work with.
I think it's a good choice. He could be like Xerxes in the 300 mutating from a normal Middle Eastern human to a giant with blue skin a wacky mouth, red eyes and armor. Then he can become technorganic in the modern era..
I think it's a good choice. He could be like Xerxes in the 300 mutating from a normal Middle Eastern human to a giant with blue skin a wacky mouth, red eyes and armor. Then he can become technorganic in the modern era..
Well, he always had the grey skin and blue lips, and I think his ability to change size is part of his mutation, so really, all they have to do is paint the guy grey and blue. I would give him black eyes with no pupils, like an alien.
"In the early conversations we talked a lot about that [Apocalypse's distinct point of view and agenda]. Of course, you read the comic book, and [Apocalypse is] not so shaded with gray -- except his face. [Laughs] That's the only thing gray about him. Just as Bryan's done with the other films, I think he seeks to find something a little more interesting than the archetypal aspects of the characters, which work really well in print, but for a film I think you want to see a bit more of the -- for lack of a better word -- humanity in [Apocalypse]; because ultimately this is a story about humans. It's just different symbols for different things that we feel, so with this character I am incredibly interested in the challenge of finding someone that's psychologically interesting and compelling, and actually the spiritual aspects of the character."
Most X-Men readers will know that by far the most popular story arc featuring Apocalypse deals with the ancient mutant transforming Warren Worthington III, aka Angel, aka Archangel, into Death -- one of his four horsemen. It's something fans would go crazy to see on film, but the problem is the Angel character doesn't actually exist in the new movie timeline...yet anyway. Worthington was played by Ben Foster in X-Men: The Last Stand however, and since Singer brought back Ellen Page's Kitty Pryde for Days Of Future Past is there any chance he'd do the same with Foster? Isaac doesn't know, but it definitely seems like something he'd like to see happen. "He's a great actor," he tells the site when quizzed about Foster's possible return. "I don't really know how they're going to put all that together or exactly what characters, or how that's going to work. But I know Angel and Archangel in particular were some of my favorite characters in that storyline. That was such a cool and dark storyline. I think that would be a cool thing to see on film." Is that something you'd like to see? Or would you prefer a new actor in the role? Much more at the link below.