Overall opinion isn't too high JAWS. But most of us were at least glad that we saw it. I thought it was about a 5.5/10.
I liked it enough to give it a 7.5/10. The short cameo was well worth the price of admission lol.
I am thinking I might give the same rating. I don't love the most loved X-men movies as everyone else and I don't hate the most hated as everyone else. Most X-men movies are fair to average for me. I enjoy them but it's more because of the characters then the films themselves.
That GIF is ****ing hilarious!
I think if you were excited by the trailers then you should go see the movie. There's also plenty of leaked footage online to help you make up your mind if you're still on the fence.
Oh I am seeing it either way... I just wanted to know where to put my expectations.. I usually see the big movies by now but I have been busy.