Or recast her as Biel. Hell, if they recast every marvel female as Biel I think it would be great!
Either way they need to keep Jean dead
Or recast her as Biel. Hell, if they recast every marvel female as Biel I think it would be great!
Was reading the DOFP boards at IMDb and a post jumped out at me.
Since Wolverine is the one tinkering around in the the past, when he awakes back in the future he could find that Xavier and Jean never died and the events of X3 didn't happen the way he remembers them happening.
That way The Wolverine is still canon for Wolverine, but history around him is different
Sheesh, get over it DiFabio. He's just a 3rd rate X-Man. It isn't like Cyclops was very important to the history of X-Men or anything, as if, you know, he was the only consistent member from the beginning in the early 60s to half-way through the '80s or anything.I liked the Trask/Sentinel reference though. But all this is further evidence of how poor Cyclops/Scott Summers got the shaft.
Sheesh, get over it DiFabio. He's just a 3rd rate X-Man. It isn't like Cyclops was very important to the history of X-Men or anything, as if, you know, he was the only consistent member from the beginning in the early 60s to half-way through the '80s or anything.
Sounds as if your knowledge of X-Men history started in the '90s or something? Too bad for you, if true.
I love Wolverine as much as the next guy, he's great, but I've always liked good old Cyclops too. In the first X-Men we get a great glimpse at the two going at it, that clash of characters. After that? Pretty much nothing. I mean, he was the leader for decades and the best you can do with him is make him a mind controlled threat and then kill him? But you can give Wolverine 5 films of scratching away at his origin, Jean a whole film of development and origin, and Charles and Erik? C'mon.
The shame of it is, I think James Marsden was great and could have been better if he had more to work with. Too late for anything now.