Broke and happy
I don't either.
It's no TDK/Spiderman 2/STM/Avengers/BB/IM1/Batman 89
But its also no Elektra, Catwoman, GR2
It's in da middle somewhere.
Nothing wrong with that.

I don't either.
It's just so horribly bland, and visually ugly. Every scene felt like a by the numbers committee project, rather then someone's artistic vision.
Everyone showed up, acted, and got out. Dumb movie made by a dumb studio because they were being petty.
Maybe Singer's X-3 would've sucked...but I'd take his vision over anything Ratner does. He's too bland for me.
That to me is worse then a really, really bad movie. At least you can remember why that movie was bad.
Flash Gordan is great, i've seen it like 50 times, so deliciusly campy and fun
I don't think anyone has any difficulties understanding why Marvel's 1st or 2nd most popular character gets the bulk of the attention. But Cyclops is to the X-Men as Captain America is to the Avengers. He was THE primary X-Man in the Stan Lee days. While other characters (like Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Banshee) could have been subbed with others or removed altogether, he was the indispensable member during the Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne days, with distinctive elements related to him moving story arcs forward. It is lame that he's been marginalized the way he has been in the X-films.I like comics Cyclops, but people just will never get that the reason Wolverine gets the most attention in the movies, is that he's the most popular. End of.
Same with Iron Man/Avengers
I don't think anyone has any difficulties understanding why Marvel's 1st or 2nd most popular character gets the bulk of the attention. But Cyclops is to the X-Men as Captain America is to the Avengers. He was THE primary X-Man in the Stan Lee days. While other characters (like Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Banshee) could have been subbed with others or removed altogether, he was the indispensable member during the Claremont/Cockrum/Byrne days, with distinctive elements related to him moving story arcs forward. It is lame that he's been marginalized the way he has been in the X-films.
He should join the Avengers so that he can lead again.
Why'd you post a picture of The Mike. I don't understand![]()
Phoenix brought Cyclops back into a different body.
Play to see what's behind the light.
Ill be curious if they show how they're going to fix wolverines claw issue.
I think Magneto will help out in that department. Or else Ole Wolvie won't be too effective against those Sentinels. I think Magneto does something like that in the comics...he rebinds some adamantium to his claws...I forget though.