Xbox One System Discussion

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I will say this. The playstation nut swingers are really showing their class. Its no wonder after taking a beating for so many years. They finally have something to brag about.

Us true gamers just have bought everything. What a bunch of losers. :lol
Xbox one is a joke, I got a tweet from a friend at E3 saying he played a demo for a game it froze the system he had to call a guy over and then some representative put on task manager and he could see it was running windows 8. The guy from Microsoft quickly turned it off and then took it away, and wouldn't answer any of my friends questions. The Xbox one isn't even running at E3 those are PC's inside lol they are hiding them.
Actually, even though I won't be buying the X1, I hope lots of gamers do buy it because I still firmly believe a console war benefits everyone including the X1 diehards and PS4 diehards.
PS4 is a joke. I got a text from a friend at E3 saying he was playing a demo and it froze and the Sony guy had to reset it, couldn't figure out how to and just took the unit away.
I still think Microsoft will eventually take out all those online restriction stuff out once they see how the PS4 is outselling them.
I agree.

Lets say that the PS4 completely overwhelms the Xbox 1 and Microsoft gives up on the console. In a few years, Sony will announce a PS5 with whatever restrictions and limitations they want, because the competition is dead and customers have no other option. Bad scenario.

I had an Xbox and a PS2, and then I had an Xbox 360 and a PS3. I have supported both companies until now. I will not be buying the new Xbox, but that doesn't mean I want Microsoft to lose the console war and leave Sony with no healthy competition.
It's difficult to say, because until the thing actually launches, it's hard to gauge how the larger (casual) audience will react to it. How much do people outside of the core gaming enthusiast crowd (those who follow E3 news and talk about this stuff on forums, like you or me) actually care about Microsoft's new policies? The used game policy is just one part of a larger, interconnected web of a policy, where internet connection is mandatory at least once a day, and not only will be there restrictions on trading in games, but for lending, borrowing, and renting as well.

If Xbox One loses potential sales because of these policies, what does publisher support even matter? Not to mention all those retail stores that do sell used games, who do you think they'll side with?

How do you stop used games sales but allow lending and borrowing?

Renting will likely be done by a special version of the game.
When it comes to their no used games, it is ridiculas. I buy something l should have the right to own it, and do what l want with it. Why can't people understand that concept? It's a restriction to us, and a cash grab for them.If they get away with this then movies will be the same thing in the future, and that is bull. I want to buy the disc and own it, and do as l please with it.

When it comes to HAVING to check into the internet, that is just another stupid concept that their is no need for, i don't like being forced to do something in order to play my games single player. I like having my system offline and just play single player games. My ethernet cable for the past year has been plugged into my Blu ray Player, not my Xbox, it would be a pain to have to switch that cable back and forth all the time just to play offline games.

So again **** MS and their Stupid console.
wow one network cable for the whole house?
and i cant see how this is good for developers when the only way they generate extra revenue with the software is if someone buys a physical copy of the game and then trades it in for resell, thus incurring DRM fees, when Microsoft is clearly pushing day one digital downloads of the Xbox one games.

Really? So if you buy a game trade it and its sold, the extra money for the restricted sale of games is all between the dev and retailer they have a deal with. So they make more money. Digital download Is even better but for devs but they are smart enought to know that it may not work to force digital download only. So in the mean time they get extra money from used games sales.

Xbox one is a joke, I got a tweet from a friend at E3 saying he played a demo for a game it froze the system he had to call a guy over and then some representative put on task manager and he could see it was running windows 8. The guy from Microsoft quickly turned it off and then took it away, and wouldn't answer any of my friends questions. The Xbox one isn't even running at E3 those are PC's inside lol they are hiding them.

All the companies have been known to to that. Even wait for it, Sony.:horror.
wow one network cable for the whole house?

Pretty much yeah. The Computer is wireless. Guess l could buy another ethernet cable (one for Xbox and one for blu player), but my 360 and blu player are right beside eachother. So really, one cable works fine. I mostly play my Xbox offline anyway.