Super Freak
Microsoft would never just quit. This may dive at launch and have a bad first year sales wise but they wouldn't quit. Money talks and if they have to change how they are going about they're business, they will.
Asian gamers will have to wait a year longer than their American counterparts to get their hands on Microsoft’s Xbox One, which will only be available in the region in late 2014, a year after its U.S. launch this November.
The new device will only be available in select Asian markets – Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and India
I bet that Kinect is used to detect your distance away from the X-Box One. And if you should move away from the allowable distance (that's predetermined by Microsoft), then the console will either explode or DRM lock the game that you're currently playing.
Xbox one is a joke, I got a tweet from a friend at E3 saying he played a demo for a game it froze the system he had to call a guy over and then some representative put on task manager and he could see it was running windows 8. The guy from Microsoft quickly turned it off and then took it away, and wouldn't answer any of my friends questions. The Xbox one isn't even running at E3 those are PC's inside lol they are hiding them.
May 21st, 2013 at 1:26 PM
The latest update out of the currently unfolding announcement in Redmond: the next-generation Xbox will run three operating systems simultaneously. Complementing Windows 8 and RT on PCs and tablets, there'll be a third distinct version of Microsoft's operating system that has been pared down specifically for the new console. This will be the main system OS used to run apps such as Skype and other non-game titles downloaded from the Xbox storefront. At the same time, virtualization technology similar to Microsoft's Hyper-V will be used to allocate the bulk of system resources to a second, dedicated "Xbox OS" when the user loads up a game. This game OS will remain a fixed entity throughout the life of the console, so that game developers can be confident their games will run regardless of how much the Windows side of the machine gets updated. Finally, the third OS sounds like a small layer to assist with the virtualization, allowing the two main personalities of the console to talk to each other.
We're not sure yet just how much of the Windows 8 experience will be carried over to the Xbox, although the pictures shown on stage suggest we'll get something like a Start Screen with live tiles that mirror the rest of Microsoft's ecosystem. We're also told the Windows side of the console will support Snap mode for running two apps side by side.
At a deeper level, the triple-OS approach is meant to work in conjunction with the console's ability to produce numerous visual "panes," which are full 1080p layers generated independently and displayed one on top of the other. These panes could could allow a user to play full-fledged Xbox games while also seeing their fantasy football app or Skype chat updating in a overlaid Windows pane. The multi-OS system also makes sense in relation to the HDMI passthrough feature, which will allow 1080p output from a separate source such as a cable box to be played in a window while another app or game is also running on top or alongside.
In terms of whether apps will be cross-compatible between the regular Windows Store and the storefront accessed by the new console, we're told they won't. Developers will have to do a bit of work to make a Windows app suitable for the Xbox One, not least in terms of tuning their UI for Kinect or the wireless controller. But Microsoft's engineers told us that the underlying similarity between Windows 8/RT and Windows for the Xbox should make this a pretty easy feat for coders.
The X-Box One is looking a lot like Skynet; taking control away from the user, and placing it in the hands of Microsoft. I mean, ****, it even sees you through Kinect.
The Xbox One launches in the following regions this year, but more importantly, the console will only function in these regions:
New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States
Xbox Live functionality will not be available for other regions, so importers (a big market) will not be able to use the system at all because of the mandatory online check.
Also, Asian countries will not see the Xbox One until late 2014, one year after launch.
That is terrible news for Microsoft. None of the X-Boxes were big sellers in Japan, and this type of delay might ensure that it remains the same.
That is terrible news for Microsoft. None of the X-Boxes were big sellers in Japan, and this type of delay might ensure that it remains the same.
By the time they come out, every Japanese speaking person that is a gamer will already own PS4![]()
Yes. Though the 360 didn't exactly set the Japanese gaming market on fire, it was still a progressive expansion for Microsoft in that region. They are losing momentum there. Not good.
Japan is a very tech savvy country so I can't see it being an issue, but if anyone there has dodgy internet it really hurts their sales since they will stick with 360's if that's their console they have and may in turn just get PS4.
MS continues to shoot themselves in the foot over and over.
I wonder if there's actually a demographic in Japan that only owns a 360. I can't imagine it being incredibly exciting right about now.
360 was a huge failure in Japan.
They have huge pride for home made.
MS is a big joke over there.
360 was a huge failure in Japan.
They have huge pride for home made.
MS is a big joke over there.
360 was a huge failure in Japan.
They have huge pride for home made.
MS is a big joke over there.
in Japan, the newly announced Xbox One has a couple of new nicknames. However, there is a bit of a good natured dispute over what the Xbox One's nickname will be: "Batsuichi" (Once Divorced) or "Hako 1" (Box 1).
The name "Xbox" has always been somewhat problematic for Japan, because "X" is "batsu" (ばつ) in Japanese and is used to mark incorrect answers. In the West, "X" can cross things out. But it can also mean "X marks the spot" or carry the nuance of "extreme". In Japan, however, the circle is used to denote correct items. (This is why on Japanese PlayStation controllers, the circle button is used to select.) Thus, the "X" can have a negative meaning—though, not always. For example, Toyota has a sedan in Japan called "Mark X". Old Japanese men seem to like it fine!
As mentioned above, one of the nicknames for the "Xbox One"—a nickname that seems to have started on Twitter—is the Japanese word for "divorced". The shortened "X1" can be read as "batsuichi" (バツイチ), which is literally "one x" and means "once divorced".