XM 1/6 X-Men HUGE Sentinel Battle Diorama

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Other than it's got a good chance of getting put on ice?

Sorry if I missed this question. The reduction request is regardless of scale, since we've come so far on the 1/6 diorama epic battle scene, we had to pick off a few characters from the 1/4 scale instead. :(

XM responded on SF board, which I read to mean they sacrificed a couple of the 1/4 characters to preserve the progress of the Sentinel Dio, B set, at least. So press on!
Other than it's got a good chance of getting put on ice?

XM responded on SF board, which I read to mean they sacrificed a couple of the 1/4 characters to preserve the progress of the Sentinel Dio, B set, at least. So press on!

Yeah they sacrificed their 1/4, maybe even Cable, and one whole Dio to get this done. Who is in the B set again??? In the end I wouldn't count on it.
XM just announced on Statue Forum that they are only able to do one Sentinel Dio, the 2nd one will have to be put on hold until the Disney/Marvel Limitation is lifted... At least were getting one set....
Yeah they sacrificed their 1/4, maybe even Cable, and one whole Dio to get this done. Who is in the B set again??? In the end I wouldn't count on it.

I guess there's solace in never knowing who was in set A. Or did we? :lol

True! But there was a strong feeling it would've been...Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Wolverine, Beast and Iceman. XM was willing to change the roster on Set B when fans made suggestions. I believe XM would've went with fan's roster suggestions on Set A as well.
Other than it's got a good chance of getting put on ice?

People drooling because a company can't make the hobby better by going on with one of their projects - classic.
Reading XM threads down here is an ode to mediocrity and brown nosing.
True! But there was a strong feeling it would've been...Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Wolverine, Beast and Iceman. XM was willing to change the roster on Set B when fans made suggestions. I believe XM would've went with fan's roster suggestions on Set A as well.
Has everyone forgotten that initially XM wanted set A to be characters from the Brotherhood? Mark mentioned that to me in an e-mail last year and then posted as much on here as well. Can't remember XM saying anything to the contrary, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. Not going back through countless pages to find out.
Aloha. :)
Gonna be 2 sets.
Sentinel and X men for one set.
Sentinel and Brotherhood for the other.
Statues can be bought individually or as a set.
Statues can be displayed individually or combined to form the diorama.

Here is the quote I mentioned from Mark
People drooling because a company can't make the hobby better by going on with one of their projects - classic.
Reading XM threads down here is an ode to mediocrity and brown nosing.

XM puts out amazing work, but yes I do agree that there are a lot of things that people are willing to forgive of them that they would smashing on SSC for.

Disney is pounding everybody with the new rule

It is going to be an unhappy time for X-Men and FF fans. I wouldn't count my XM Phoenix chickens till they hatch either, they might have spent to much time tweaking that one.
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Has everyone forgotten that initially XM wanted set A to be characters from the Brotherhood? Mark mentioned that to me in an e-mail last year and then posted as much on here as well. Can't remember XM saying anything to the contrary, but someone correct me if I'm wrong. Not going back through countless pages to find out.

Yea, I remember that post. But it was after that post that we started seeing changes and statements being made that was pointing to the contrary. A good example was after that post XM started listening to fans and started changing the roster for Set B. One comment was to change Angel to Archangel and that was done. Another was moving Rogue into X-23's spot and removing X-23 entirely. That was done, too. Then fans suggested that Set A should be the other X-Team rather than the brotherhood. I can't point to an exact post, but XM affiliates started to comment that that might be done as well.

Call me crazy or wishful thinking, but I could've sworn XM was leaning towards the other X-Team. It sounded like it, anyway. But the only sure way to find out is to wait for the "reduction" to be lifted.
Like what, exactly?

I have read people commenting that they have paint chips, pieces that don't fit securely into the base, warping and leaning statues because they used the wrong compound, and delays to shipping because of breakage issues and warping molds. Now XM does fix the issue, though sometimes it is simply paying to have a piece painted locally. However, all of the delays to meet fan expectations may have cost them a lot. If you consider that they had to put 4 statues on hold because of the new crack down, well I can't imagine what would have happened if they had already started producing those one. Maybe fans would all be getting 4 statues and a Diorama if the production process had moved a little faster. If SSC had done all that people would be hammering on them.
Why keep trodden down the same well beaten path? SSC fans will love all things SSC, XM fans will love XM. To each their own.
Set B is -- Colossus, Archangel, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Jubilee and Rogue I believe. I thought Wolverine was in that set but only six slots.
Set A was never confirmed -- (dream line-up) Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Wolverine, Iceman, Beast. However brotherhood version was hinted at early in the process.

I would have preferred Psylocke over Jubilee in set B, but planning to strategically display the Koto Psylocke.

At this point Set A is frozen so who knows. While it is frustrating, we have time since it's going to take time to produce Set B. Hopefully things will change for the better in the coming months, and the comic cold war will thaw. Fingers are crossed that Set A will be greenlit down the road and XM will produce another amazing Sentinel battle dio with an X-Men team.