XM 1/6 X-Men HUGE Sentinel Battle Diorama

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You know, I support Marvel cause I've been a fan since the 4th grade when I started collecting comics.

But it sucks they have to mess with the X-Men just because of a license dispute. It also sucks that this Dio is a casualty because of it.
Fox has made the X-Men a lucrative movie franchise, and they are not relinquishing the rights anytime soon. As long as they can turn out movies that gross over 300 million, why should they?

This long-term strategy by Disney will not work. It only alienates fans in the know. And for the unfamiliar masses, all it takes is a nice shiny trailer to fill those theater seats. Disney's best bet is to buy back the movie rights because they overestimate the influence of merchandise on box office gross. It tends to go the other way IMO.
Disney is making me sad. I was against the sell of Marvel to them in the first place and now I definitely wish it never happened. X Men have been my book for years through the good times and the bad times.
The X-Men have and will always be near and dear to my heart, but I've accepted that Marvel will probably never give them the full attention they deserve going forward, not when they have an Avengers cash cow. However, I still have the comics I grew up with, plus the 90's animated series for when I want to watch good X-Men stories. Disney/Marvel can't take that away from me (not yet, anyways).







Got my name in for the whole set a while ago. Hope this means it got the green light