F'reals. A lot of companies are probably pooping themselves right now. XM is probably about 6 little letters away from leading the market.
g l o b a l distribution?

F'reals. A lot of companies are probably pooping themselves right now. XM is probably about 6 little letters away from leading the market.
In many ways they are already leading the market. When it comes to design, fan involvement, and quality control there is no one else who can touch them right now. How that all holds up over time will be the true measuring stick. With 40% of their currently releases having massive QC issues that required 11th hour recalls I can only assume that they have taken a pretty big financial hit. I hope beyond hope that they don't suffer to much for it because they are an amazing group of guys.
In many ways they are already leading the market. When it comes to design, fan involvement, and quality control there is no one else who can touch them right now. How that all holds up over time will be the true measuring stick. With 40% of their currently releases having massive QC issues that required 11th hour recalls I can only assume that they have taken a pretty big financial hit. I hope beyond hope that they don't suffer to much for it because they are an amazing group of guys.
If you consider that massive QC issues, then I can't imagine what you think SS QC issues are, maybe World Ending QC issues?
Both BW and IM statues were only 500 ES, plus it was only 1/2 of BW heads that had to be replaced. I hardly call that Massive QC issues... QC issues IMO would be after then sent them out to customers and then had to recall them, then that would really hurt their bottom line, but since both issues were caught before going out to customers (with the exception of a few IM statues) I doubt they took much of a hit at all.
Dan you know I am a fan of XMs, but we are talking about a company that hasn't even finished the production run on 5 statues yet having to recall 40% of them.
From what I read about the BW issue they caught it at the factory, plus given it was a factory issue I'm not sure who picks up the tab for that.... The fact is we don't know all the details of what goes on behind the scenes and it's just pure speculation. I'm not even sure why Spidey even brought this issue up other then to try and hurt XM image with his whole " XM has Massive QC Issues "
It's no different then Spidey's "Don't talk bad about sideshow statues or sideshow will beat up XM"
If your such a big fan of XM why don't you have one of their statues?
Bottom line is it doesn't matter what happens behind the scenes as long as the customer gets a kick ass statue....
40% my ass. Barely any of the IM's made it out the door before the weak shoulder was reported and XM took action immediately. How bored are you that you actually want to stir this crap bowl over and over again? Wow.
40% my ass. Barely any of the IM's made it out the door before the weak shoulder was reported and XM took action immediately. How bored are you that you actually want to stir this crap bowl over and over again? Wow.
Issues caught at the 11th hour and corrected are not quality control issues. They are quality control at it's best.
So, is there any news of new XM releases that have been teased?
I think they are busy playing catch up for all there current items.
As far as I know, Chinese New Year affects more or less the entire month of February, even if it started on 19th