Thanks for sharing Boba! That is so much cooler than my paranormal story, I'd never heard of people encountering those kinds of creatures/apparitions before. Since the thread has taken a paranormal tangent, I'll mention my experience (which is kind of ordinary after previous accounts in this thread, but here goes):
First up, I was smoking weed at the time. But I've smoked a lot of weed in my time, and I've eaten my share of acid, magic mushrooms and the like. So I know what a drug-induced hallucination looks and feels like, and this wasn't it. I was 17 and hosting a party at my place, which happened to be across the street from a cemetery.
The cemetery was on a square suburban block, with a long, straight path bisecting it from one street to the other. A group of ten of us entered at the south end and began strolling through it to the north end, late at night. As I walked down the path I looked to the end of the path and saw some shadowy figures about 60 meters ahead. They looked and moved like a family, and I remember thinking it odd that a family would be strolling about in a cemetery late at night. I looked away, thinking nothing else of it, but when I looked again down the path, this time there was a group of people standing in the middle of the path, facing our group and around 30-40 meters away.
As we moved closer, the details became clearer and I could make out what they were wearing, period stuff mainly as the cemetery hadn't been 'used' for 50 years. One figure was in a wheelchair. I knew this was b.s. so I turned to one of my mates and asked, deliberately ambiguously, "do you see that?" and he said, "uh, do you mean a group of ____ing people standing right ____ing there looking at us?" and I said, "yeah, that'd be it". We compared what we were seeing and it was the same. I went around the group and two of my other friends saw the same thing, but the others saw nothing and just said I was stoned and trying to freak them out.
As we got about 10 meters from them, they dissipated. They hadn't otherwise moved in any way, it was almost like they were a portrait -though the feeling wasn't one of staring at an image because it felt like I was being looked at.
I dunno. I know a fair bit about the psychology of visual perception and know how much the brain is inclined to see familiar shapes out of just about anything. And the fact that the figures weren't moving leads me to think maybe I was just 'seeing things'. But it just 'felt' different, there was a vibe as much as an image. 20-odd years later and I haven't seen a 'ghost' since. Oddly, at school the following Monday, my mates who had seen exactly - exactly - the same thing, were happy to write it off as a figment of our imaginations. Even so the experience has stayed with me all these years. Maybe it's more a case of some part of me wanting to believe it was a paranormal experience rather than a routine drug-induced figment of my imagination...
Maybe it's normal to be freaked out by dark, lonely places... but if I have a phobia, it's that I'll come across something like this again but it not being the benign experience this was. Can't bare watching paranormal movies to this day