Super Freak
Has the merchandising department started selling Aquaman scented jumpers yet? I would like a new knitted jumper for next winter than smells of Merman.
Holy crap
I am rubbing my eyes refusing to believe that Disney is treating BvS better than WB lol
Things are more ****ed up over there at WB than what is public knowledge
The flash doesn't suck, but this version with Ezra Miller sure does. They made him more like Kid Flash. I still haven't watched this yet (maybe next week) but Ezra is awful as Flash. So I have no desire for the upcoming Flash movie. As long as it is based on this character, there is no way I will like it or be able to enjoy it.
As for Lex...
I don't get WB at all. The last 2 versions of Lex have been so awful. Zuckerberg is one of the reasons I can't stand BvS and was never able to rewatch the UE version. The minute I see him on screen, I just think **** NO and get totally taken out of the movie. And then on CW Supergirl they cast John Cryer. I honestly don't know which is worse.
We have never seen a good, serious evil businessman Lex Luthor. I want Lex from the JL cartoon. Gene Hackman/Kevin Spacey was a petty criminal "genius" who couldn't get past real estate in 2 attempts. And awful comedy attempts. Kevin Spacey just followed the formula and tried to be a more serious Gene Hackman.
Neither ruined the movie like Zuckerberg did, but c'mon WB... Give us a serious bad ass Lex Luthor already!!!
I would love to see a Superman against Lex in some cool ass looking Power Armor.
I don?t understand the lex thing either. It?s silly that Superman is up against a jittery little kid and not a grizzled businessman with a god complex who is stone cold and calculating. DC just loves making him some comedy loser in each movie and not who he actually is.
Ok just an fyi the new BvS ratio is NOT thru the entire movie like ZSJL only parts of it!
Honestly I think this is a first i?ve never seen a movie jump around from 2:35 to 1:43 I know the regular IMAX ratios go from 2:35 to 1:85!
Really unique that Zach Snyder lol
Does anyone ever remember seeing a movie go from 2:35 to 1:43 at home?
I think even if you hate Snyder, you have to agree he?s done a lot m of the best work in any comic book movie:
The casting is a masterclass, even Lex (if he wasn?t played as ace Ventura)
The visuals are always incredible
Specific scenes like Flash?s intro or the Batman Warehouse, or the Watchmen prologue.
Character costume design. I think no one is even close to beating him here.
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Nope that will be the most jarring back and forth possible, lol. I saw BvS in Liemax so the full screen elements (Knightmare, Batman/Supes fight) were noticeable but not off putting. 2.35:1 to 1.43:1 is crazy but if that's how he framed it bring it on, lol.
Dude no joke it is really jarring yet oddly satisfying lol
Oh look Zach is story boarding his new movie:
Ok there is absolutely no reason to watch this movie in B&W!
I agree with ajp though had it been with a narrative color transition I would’ve totally been on board with it but as is hell no lol
Looking forward to reading your thoughts after a second viewing.
It's because those jittery little kids run silicone valley these days and that is turning into the real powerhouse of the future (and they still have god complexes). The landscape of the grizzled businessman, the Lex we know from the comics is changing (though not as rapidly as popular perception would have you believe). It is now often portrayed in modern media and discussion as an outdated dinosaur archetype, toxic masculinity, that will be replaced by younger jittery kids, women and diversity. So I guess to modern younger audiences the Lex we know would not appeal. As mentioned earlier, I've come to appreciate this reimagining more as time has gone on but I really really disliked the portrayal at first.
Maybe Zack made them release this to shame Whedon even further. "Look even if my superheroes don't have any colors my cut is still better than yours," lol.
Silent version comes out next month followed by a pdf of just the script, lol.
I watched the first half last night. Ending it at that last frame of the closeup shot from Cyborg's Superman hologram is the way to go. Ideally, the next scene (Martha/Lois & the Manhunter) would be an end credits scene, but oh well. Gonna give it another day or two before watching "Part Two."
I think I might be enjoying it even more this second time. Having watched the story unfold once before, I can now concentrate more on appreciating the cinematography, the visuals, and other production elements. There are some sequences where the shot framing and camera movement make me want to immediately rewind and just appreciate the visuals again. The part during the opening title sequence when Bruce descends the mountain/hillside on foot to peer down onto Arthur's village is a great example.
The Cyborg stuff is probably my favorite. The visual representation of the conceptual framework for how he "sees" the world through tech gets a big thumbs up from me. Whether it's the giant bull vs. bear statues butting heads to symbolize financial markets, or the way he walks through history, or how money/accounts are in stacks of bills . . . I find the imaginative elements enjoyable and satisfying. And I like Victor's story. Also have to give Ray Fisher his props; I think he did a great job in this version. Dude has an effective gravitas on screen, imo.
These JL characters have a pretty good dynamic together. Each distinctly different, and you get the sense why they admire aspects of one another. The chemistry totally works for me. I like them all.
The plot is the source of most of my problems with the movie, but I don't want to get into that since none of it is any sort of deal-breaker. There's also some bad cgi that is blatantly distracting. And some stuff is just too heavy-handed and on the nose. So many mentions of "unity" to drive home the fact that it's the central theme?And song lyrics like "They told us our gods would outlive us" playing over scenes of mourning Superman, and "There is a kingdom, and there is a king" playing over Aquaman slo-mo sequences... not exactly subtle.
Overall, though, I just feel like a happy kid watching this stuff. I love all the design elements and action sequences. I want more of every aspect of this world. I'd even like to see more of the era of the Old Gods and the early Lanterns, Atlantians, and Amazons. I just dig this playground of characters and their interpretation.
I'll end my babbling by pointing out that I laughed out loud when Diana turns to the little girl after violently blowing up the building wall and says, "It's all good" with a comforting smile on her face as bloody bodies from her carnage lie strewn on the floor.I also laughed at the very JJJ response from Commissioner Gordon upon seeing Cyborg.
Maybe Zack made them release this to shame Whedon even further. "Look even if my superheroes don't have any colors my cut is still better than yours," lol.
Silent version comes out next month followed by a pdf of just the script, lol.
I'll end my babbling by pointing out that I laughed out loud when Diana turns to the little girl after violently blowing up the building wall and says, "It's all good" with a comforting smile on her face as bloody bodies from her carnage lie strewn on the floor.I also laughed at the very JJJ response from Commissioner Gordon upon seeing Cyborg.